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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x

C r e a t i o n  p a g e  8 4 b

Darwin talked a lot about the excellency of design, attributing this of course, to the supportive tenets of his theory. He talked little of any intelligence regarding the diversity of species, preferring instead, I would presume, to allow assumptions based on everything else he talked of.

Darwin starts with life existing and leaves alone how life came to be. How can Darwin even begin to talk of origins with any semblance of accuracy when he starts with existing life? Right from the 'get go' we see conjecture. I mean when you start with origins of something as important as life and avoid delving into it further, one is left with wondering just where the animating energy called life came from. Darwin's approach was beat from the start. But he kept on and it just got worse from there.

Many evolutionists attribute built in programming causing reactions and changes, to proof of evolutionary theory. They seem as blind as Darwin was. Changes observed due to genetic detours and shortcuts like plasmids, prions, retroviruses and transposons are pounced upon as evolutionary proofs; with many even adhering to the outdated fraud of the peppered moth:."The rise and fall of melanism in the peppered moth was.unquestionably.a Darwinian event, brought about by natural selection acting on random mutations.", not realizing that a moth has no way to alter its color over its period of existence and can't figure out if making such a change would in any way be advantageous. Furthermore, it couldn't transmit any of its supposed color changes anyhow, as it can't adjust its color. The peppered moth fraud...

Diehard evolutionists like Steve Jones, continue treating evolution's terminal condition with antiquated.remedial.topical ointments.(misapplied adaption.{the tagging of changes within a species [like the finch] to evolutionary concepts}, gradualism, natural selection, random mutations, survival of the fittest, etc.).including new terms like coevolution and various conjectures such as 'pseudosaurs'; false paleontological links such as Archaeopteryx and theropods; ludicrous.postulations such as punctuated equilibria; psychologically.maladjusted.concoctions like ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny and phylogenic;

Out and out frauds regardingprehistory, so the term 'phrauds' for 'frauds regarding prehistories; phrauds like Nebraskaman and Nebraskawoman, Piltdown man, Peppered Moths, Lucy and her relatives, other evolutionary 'supports' including Neanderthal man and 'human' ancestors Australopithecus afarensis, Australopithecus africanus, Homo habilis, then Homo Erectus.(Java man), etc.
