and Health
-Do you think it is wise
these days with global warming, ozone, etc., to restrict time in the Sun?
is a very large cause of death many haven't thought much or any about?
-But how
do you find true love?
-God must love women, as
well as men, because He says in Proverbs
18:22 that a wife/woman is
a good thing.
can one get rid of an unforgiving attitude?
about a younger guy teaming up with an older lady or vice versa?
about staying single to serve God?
And Forgiveness
those who have killed in war guilty of murder and go to hell?
we now to live by the commandments?
why then do we have arrogant
can one get rid of an unforgiving attitude?
God sets up the humblest of men, why do we have Mussolini styled, ego filled,
arrogant and tyrannical leaders?
we forgive even if they are unrepentant, even if they are still the same?
If God says to forgive enemies, is He not like that too?
things passing from the law now?
we saved by keeping the commandments?
we to serve God through tithing, commandment keeping, church attendance,
etc.? Or, are we to serve God just in the spirit? Are we kept saved by
the power of God through tithing, commandment keeping, baking cakes
and cookies for church bazaars?
Paul labor day and night to be able to teach the commandments to others?
Paul say our strength comes from being "righteous" from commandment keeping?
we glorify God through tithing, keeping the commandments, etc.?
we receive gifts from God through keeping the commandment part of the Mosaic
it mention commandment keeping here as being important in a relationship
with God?
it not say in these places that we are to keep His commandments?
it say anything here about treading under foot the commandments, tithing,
church attendance, doing despite unto the law of God, etc.?
it say in the Bible that we are justified (made righteous) and become heirs
of God's promises by being diligent to keep the commandments and being
sure never to neglect tithing?
Jude, one of the apostles, in writing to Christians, say to look to the commandments to keep them in the love of God and into eternal life?
Paul equate commandment keeping with the flesh and carnality and not the
Paul figure we should be mixing law and grace and does he make a distinction
saying we are under the law and not grace?
Paul remind Timothy the more you keep the commandments, the more the
grace or favor of God will be upon you?
Paul say that he received grace for obedience to the commandments?
Paul say that if you keep tithing and the commandments uppermost in
your mind that, not only will they build up your faith, but lead toward
your eternal inheritance?
Paul say that one's own righteousness is that which is based upon
the law?
Paul say that we are made and/or kept righteous with God through our willingness
to put the commandments part of the Mosaic Law into action in our lives?
Paul say that we should become strong commandment keepers?
Paul say we are made heirs of the Kingdom of God by commandment keeping?
Paul tell Timothy to be strong in keeping the commandments?
Paul tell the Thessalonians that they have an everlasting consolation.(nearness
with God, a relationship).by
being sure to keep all the law including tithing and the commandments?
Peter say that you get things for this life here and now and the life hereafter
by being called to be a commandment keeper?
the grace of God come because one is willing to keep the commandment
part of the Mosaic Law and be enriched in our lives thereby?
righteousness come by the law which included the commandments?
the grace of God come to you by keeping the commandments?
Timothy indicate we should keep the commandments law part of the Mosaic