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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x
C o m m e n t s  O n  E v o l u t i o n  p a g e  1 4
(alphabetical list of comments)
Niles Eldredge, paleontologist."No wonder paleontologists shied away from evolution for so long. It never seems to happen."

Niles Eldredge, American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA in.Time Frames: The Rethinking of Darwinian Evolution and the Theory of Punctuated Equilibria, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1985 and William Heinemann Ltd, London, 1986, p. 52."And this poses something of a problem: if we date the rocks by their fossils, how can we then turn around and talk about patterns of evolutionary change through time in the fossil record?"

In other words 'if on one hand, we use the fossils to date rocks, we can't use that criterion as basis for mouthing off about evolutionary change, because the dated rock records fail in showing any transitional fossils'.


Ernst Mayer, evolutionist declares."there is no evidence for the gradual emergence of any evolutionary novelty.(something new popping up from the alleged.successive stages of evolution).by the accumulation of small adaptive modifications."


Douglas Dewar, a British naturalist and former evolutionist: "Paleontology cannot be regarded other than a hostile witness against evolution. It is not possible to draw up a pedigree showing the descent of any species living or extinct from an ancestor belonging to a different order.(*). The earliest known fossils of each class and order are not half made or half developed forms, but exhibit fully developed, the essential characteristic of their class order. It is not possible to arrange a genealogical.(the study of descent from an ancestor).series of fossils proving that any series has in the past undergone sufficient change to transform it into another member of another family. All the changes proved by fossils are within the limits of the family."

But this quote is on the contrary.

We have many types of dogs, but they are all dogs, all of the 'dog family', all after their kind:.Genesis 1:21 "And God created great whales and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind and every winged fowl after his kind. And God saw that it was good.".No fossil record exists showing even slight change into an elephant, giraffe, cheetah, etc. or vice versa.


Richard Owen, British naturalist."Progressive evolution predicted that modern reptiles should be more advanced than their extinct counterparts. However, it has been observed that the period when the class of reptiles flourished under the wildest modifications, in the greatest number and the highest grade of organization, is past and declining. The sudden extinction of the one.(Dinosaurian order).and the abrupt appearance of the other.(i.e. Pterodactyls having given way to birds).are inexplicable on any known natural causes."
    Owen continues:."The evidence...permits no other conclusion than that the different species of reptiles were suddenly introduced upon the Earth's surface."


Michael Behe, Professor of Biochemistry at Lehigh University, Pennsylvania in his book.Darwin's Black Box, explains that the complexity of the chemical activity at a molecular level, even in the functioning of one part of the body, such as the eye, points to intelligent design rather than evolution.."The molecular machine that is the bacterial flagellum is an indicator of complexity calling for Intelligent Design. The anti-intellectual nature of ignoring alternative explanations and the pitfalls of scientific consensus is a stand-in for truth."


The Journal of Molecular Evolution.is devoted exclusively to research aimed at explaining how life at the molecular level came to be. They publish about 1000 scientific papers each decade. Twelve of the editorial staff are members of the National Academy of Sciences. In the JME's volume 38, 1994, pages 305-309, J.C. Adell and J. Dopazo's article.'Monte Carlo Simulation in Phylogonies: An Application To Test The Constancy of Evolutionary Rates', states."The mathematics that real world evolution is a gradual random process.(gradualism).cannot be demonstrated. Answering the main question of how a complex biochemical system achieved its function; no one has explained just how, scientifically, mutation and natural selection could build the complicated intricate structures necessary for observable complex biochemical systems."


Sir Gavin de Beer, British Museum of Natural History,.In The Minds Of Men, 1991, Ian T.Taylor, TFE Publishing, Toronto, page 274."Seldom has an assertion like that of Hackel's 'theory of recapitulation', facile.(easy), tidy and plausible, widely accepted without critical examination, done so much harm to science."


Brian Hayes, former editor,.American Scientist."The central dogma of molecular biology says that information flows from DNA to RNA to protein.(from complex to simpler), not the other way around."


Raymond Pearl, geneticist, on Jonathan Weiner's.The Book of the Finch, 1995, Vintage Books, New York, page 52."The whole question of the struggle for existence has been discussed very largely from a priori standpoint, throughout the period since Darwin's.The Origin of Species."

Page 130."In 1981 the British Museum's Natural History Building in South Kensington ran a continuous running film loop on which a narrator explains "The survival of the fittest is an empty phrase. It is a play on words. For this reason, many critics feel that not only is the idea of evolution unscientific, but the idea of natural selection also...The idea of evolution by natural selection is a matter of logic, not science."
