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Does God Exist Index

D o e s  G o d  E x i s t ?
p a g e  2

Design Proves There Had To Be A Designer

Design is the purposeful arrangement of parts as evidenced by a functional system, specifically defined by the particular function that requires the greatest amount of the system's internal complexity. Then we can judge how well the parts fit the function. 

Without knowing who designed something, we can still easily ascertain something was designed.

The questions to ask are: Do things we see and experience everyday arrive by design or by some other mechanism? 

It is scientifically unsound to make any assumptions of the way things ought to be. For example: If we were God, we would design things differently, so that created beings couldn't get disease or deformities.(abnormal bodily functions, etc.). We all make the mistake of assuming that God would act as we would, that he would create a perfect universe, but we see disease, evils in many forms and erroneously conclude that this is not of God.

When we are this way, we are like the fool.

The problem with the imperfection argument is that the argument demands perfection at all. The argument overlooks the possibility that the designer might have multiple motives, with engineering excellence perhaps relegated to a secondary role. The reasons why or why not a designer may or may not do something are difficult to know unless the designer reveals to you specifically what those reasons are. For example, the planned obsolescence of an automobile or a light bulb. 

The conclusion that some parts of life were designed can be made in the absence of knowledge about when the designing took place. 

To reach a conclusion of design requires the identification of the components of an interacting system and the roles they play, as well as the determination that the system is not a composite of several systems. To reach a strong presumption of non design will require the demonstration that a system is not irreducibly complex or does not have much specificity between its components. 

One way in which a simple idea can be sidetracked is through conflation.with an extraneous.idea. 

Intelligent design is the purposeful arrangement of parts. It is not a religious idea. The idea of intelligent design flows easily from the data itself. 

How do we detect design? When we see order towards output and product function beyond individual components, we see design and planned purpose in diverse systems. Such ordered variety is evidenced everywhere, such as in pi. The universe is built on the mathematical construct of pi.

Molecular biochemistry has elicited the question: Could anything but an intelligent agent have designed these most complex biological functions at the molecular level to perform 'first time out' and as they continue to do today?

Let us first look at only two of many of man's achievements; the automobile and the computer. 

The car is a marvelous example of integrated design. Let's compare it with the human body. And let's keep in mind the maxim, it is beyond the capacity of a humans to create anything greater in intelligence than ourselves; in fact, we copy from the Creator's designs all the time. Scientific American, December, 1999, page 67."we seem as far away from an understanding of cognitive processes today as a century ago."

The greatest proof of the good God's being real is your own body. Learn about how great it is and you'll see God is behind it and designed it.

A vehicle has an eliminative system where engine waste from combustion to power the vehicle comes out the back and constantly. Vehicles have a circulatory system with 'blood' that has to be drained and replaced every so often. A temperature system must be maintained. 'Food' must be given it or it won't go. A car has a 'nose' to take in air for combustion.(the process of burning).after being mixed using the carburetor or with the fuel injectors with 'food' from its gas tank.

If it gets a cut on a door, it can't fix itself. It doesn't even know when its 'blood' is dirty except by an estimate of distance traveled and of course its filters must be changed. To do all these things a vehicle has to be of sufficient size to accommodate these functioning mechanisms. A vehicle must be guided as to what to do. It cannot see where to go or function without an overriding guiding intelligence that someone has somehow put into it for interactions with whoever may be driving it.

Human body waste also comes out the back and the front.(including the face where we breathe out).and the skin. Humans have many specialized eliminative systems. Consider sweat, breathing, peeing and pooping. 

Humans too have a circulatory system. But ours cleans and replenishes itself. The body has many specifically designed systems, that we were not taught much about during education. Why?

The education system is satanic at its core. The satanic systems of control are always out to hurt humanity in one way or the other.

Are the amazing coagulative.properties of our blood a product of intelligent design or is it possible that the many hurdles of evolution were somehow overcome to produce it?

The Creator says that the blood is responsible for providing life to the flesh:.Leviticus 17:11 "For the life of the flesh is in the blood....."
