Chester A. Arnold,
Professor of Botany and Curator of Fossil Plants, University of Michigan,
in.An Introduction
to Paleobotany, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1947, p. 7.."The
facts derived from a study of fossil plants are of paramount
importance for the bearing they have had on the broader subjects of phylogeny
and evolution. It has long been hoped that extinct plants will ultimately
reveal some of the stages through which existing groups have passed during
the course of their development, but it must be freely admitted that this
aspiration has been fulfilled to a very slight extent, even though paleobotanical
research has been in progress for more than one hundred years. As yet we
have not been able to trace the phylogenetic history of a single group
of modern plants from its beginning to the present."
Comment by Francisco Ayala,
Ph.D. (genetics), Associate Professor of Genetics, University of California,
on Darwinian (gradual) evolution. As reported by Roger
Lewin, 'Evolutionary theory under fire',.Science,
vol. 210, 4472, November 21, 1980, p. 884.."In
a generous admission Francisco Ayala, a major figure in propounding
Modern Synthesis
in the United States, said: 'We would not have predicted
from population genetics, but I am now convinced from what the paleontologists
say that small changes do not accumulate.' "
Arthur J. Boucot, Ph.D. geology,
Professor of Geology, Oregon State University, USA, in.Evolution
and Extinction Rate Controls, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1975, p. 196.."Since
1859 one of the most vexing
properties of the fossil record has been its obvious imperfection. For
the evolutionist this imperfection is most frustrating as it precludes
any real possibility for mapping out the path of organic evolution.(living
things, as opposed to the evolution of transportation {the developing of
the wheel leading eventually to development of a car} for
to an infinity of 'missing links'. The fossil record is replete
with evidence favoring organic evolution provided by short sequences of
species with overlapping morphologies
arranged in a clinal
manner with time; the same is true for many sequences of genera
and even for a fairish number of families. However, once above the family
level it becomes very difficult in most instances to find any solid paleontological
evidence for morphological intergrades
between one suprafamilial.(supra
is 'above'; familial is 'related to a family, hereditary').taxon
and another. This lack has been taken advantage of classically by the opponents
of organic
evolution as a major defect of the theory. In other words, the inability
of the fossil record to produce the 'missing links' has been taken as solid
evidence for disbelieving the theory."
Professor Whitten, Professor
of Genetics, University of Melbourne, Australia, 1980 Assembly Week address.."Biologists
are simply naive
when they talk about experiments designed to test the theory of evolution.
It is.not
testable. They may happen to stumble across facts which would.seem
with its predictions. These facts will invariably
be ignored and their discoverers will undoubtedly be deprived of continuing
research grants."
Dr. David Pilbeam, Physical
Yale University, USA, 'Rearranging our family tree',.Human
Nature, June 1978, p. 45.."I
know that, at least in paleoanthropology,
data are still so sparse that theory heavily influences interpretations.
Theories have, in the past, clearly reflected our current ideologies
instead of the actual data."
Dr. John Durant, University
College Swansea, Wales, as quoted in 'How evolution became a scientific
myth', New Scientist Magazine.(,
September 11, 1980, p. 765.."There
was little doubt that the star intellectual turn of last week's British
Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Salford was Dr. John
Durant, a youthful lecturer from University College Swansea. Giving the
Darwin lecture to one of the biggest audiences of the week, Durant put
forward an audacious
theory, that Darwin's evolutionary explanation of the origins of man has
been transformed into a modern myth, to the detriment of science and social
concludes that the secular
myths of evolution have had."a
damaging effect on scientific research, leading to distortion, to needless
controversy and to the gross misuse of science."
Dr. T. N. Tahmisian, Atomic
Energy Commission, USA, in The Fresno Bee August 20, 1959. As quoted
by N.J. Mitchell, Evolution and the Emperor's New Clothes, Roydon
publications, UK, 1983, title page."Scientists
who go about teaching that evolution is a fact of life are great con
men and the story they are telling may be the greatest hoax
ever. In explaining evolution, we do not have one iota
of fact."