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NT and OT Questions

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G a l a t i a n s

-Galatians 1:4.Why is there evil? Will the evil in the world ever end as people have long been saying? Does this mean there is a degree of deliverance?

-Galatians 1:6 What is the 'grace of Christ' Paul is speaking of in this verse?

-Galatians 1:11,12.Are we too able to be taught by the revelation of God in heaven?

-Galatians 2:4.What are false brethren?

-Galatians 2:19.What did Paul mean here about being dead to the law because of the law?

-Galatians 3:10.What is the."book of the Law"? and how is it different, if at all, from the law of Moses?

-Galatians 3:22.says the Bible has concluded all under sin?

-Galatians 3:29.What does it mean that we are Abraham's seed?

-Galatians 4:6,7.How can I become a son of God?

-Galatians 4:19.What does it mean."Christ formed in you"?

-Galatians 4:29.Why do evil persons persecute good people?

-Galatians 5:4.What does it mean."fallen from grace"?

-Galatians 5:5.Why if we have the Spirit of God, are we still waiting for the righteousness by faith?

-Galatians 5:20.Why do some people lash out at others, seemingly out of the blue?

-Galatians 5:21.Is it alright for a Christian to go to a pub and drink beer? Is this verse saying that if we."envy", we aren't going to be in the Kingdom of God??? How does guidance come?

-Galatians 5:25.What does it mean to crucify the flesh with its affections and lusts? 

-Galatians 6:7.Do we really reap what we sow?

-Galatians 6:14.What did Paul mean here when he said."...the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world"?

-Galatians 6:16.Who is Israel?

"Most people are too busy living life to ever put life in their living."
...Doug Firebaugh