continued from...
...Emmanuel said that if
they hear the true gospel.(the
correct message, no matter how:.Philippians
1:14-18), they will come to Him:.John
6:45. How else will they be brought out
of darkness and into a better life now and into eternity:.2Timothy
1:10; Romans 10:13-15;
It may take a few
years, but once the seed has been planted in a willing mind, it will
grow, but most often many circumstances need occur to draw the mind to
becoming sounder.
With wholeness
in the mind, one awakens; wholeness is the Infinite Intelligence's presence,
a presence that occurs when one chooses to look inside.(how?).as
opposed to always looking 'out
there' in the world
created by those who have sculpted
their egos and who love the interactions
with others of the same kind:.Matthew
A most effective personal
way to convey
the gospel of peace is through
26:7-13), one of love's attributes.
In this we are lights to the world.
Should charge be made for
things regarding the truth of God getting to others? Certainly not if it's
an excuse to somehow take advantage by overcharging as one would do if
he controlled a monopoly:.John
2:16. Selling spiritual help to people could also be a hindrance
to one in hunger of spirituality:.Acts
10:8; John 12:8; 1Corinthians
Revelation 21:6; 22:17.
9:18 "What is my reward then? Verily that, when I preach the gospel,
I may make the gospel of Christ without charge, that I abuse not my power
in the gospel."
The amazing healer Bruno
Gröning never charged anything for what he did that helped thousands.
The ancient apostle Paul was the same:.1Corinthians
55:1-3 "Ho, every one that thirsts, come you to the waters and he that
has no money, come you, buy and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without
money and without price. Wherefore do you spend money for that which is
not bread? and your labour for that which satisfies not? hearken diligently
unto me and eat you that which is good and let your soul delight itself
in fatness. Incline your ear and come unto me. Hear and your soul shall
live and I will make an everlasting covenant with you..."
Better to have the attitude
of these people, helping others in the things of God:.Acts
4:32. Why does God need help, if He's God? He doesn't. It's for
your own good!
In churches for centuries
now, parishioners
have supported with money and gifts, efforts to help others both spiritually
and in physical need. Today, those efforts continue, especially so, with
the massive reach of the Internet, which takes money to pay for hosting
services for the information one wishes to reach others with; for staff
to update and add to information and for the myriad
other associated items.
Now it is right and good
that those interested in getting
the message out contribute generously in this effort, but to levy
any charge toward those who are not of their own free volition
with you in the effort, to me, is reprehensible.
The Holy
Spirit does certain things as we get the word out: The three things
that we all need to hear about are: believing
in Christ, which takes one out of 'missing the mark' in life.(original
Greek for the word 'sin').or
in today's vernacular
'can't get it all together':.John
righteousness, which is the
they will be in once they believe in what it means to be 'in Christ',
in Christ's nature of love:.John
And it talks about judgment
or the state
they will be out of for believing in Christ,
that is, when they realize the truth about judgment.(John
16:11), that being, once in Christ,
the false beliefs about hell are seen as simply that and then any fear
over some kind of judgment evaporates.
Many persons not knowing
the truth about the love of God, think they are going to hell
and are fearful because they see how wicked the nature of man can be and
the judgments on such behavior need to be severe
in order to turn things around. But why would they think that when God
says this?.Luke
6:35; Acts
10:36 and John 3:17 and Romans
8:1. Where would they have been getting their information from? Certainly
not from the truth of God; doctrines
of demons maybe?
Emmanuel wanted us to reach
the world with His
good news (2Corinthians
news 1; good news 2; good
news 3; good news 4; good
news 5, good news 6 is.John
10:10); John
would believe:.Acts
4:18; Jeremiah 31:13;.(notice
here that nothing is said of scaring the world about them going to hell,
that's a doctrine of
demons. It is all about comfort, caring and help).
Christ came not to
the world, but rather
to awaken people to the truth of life:.Luke
The condemnation is that
loved darkness more than the light:.John
3:19 "And this is the condemnation, that
light is come into the world but men loved darkness
rather than light, because their deeds were evil.".And
what's in the darkness they love? 1Timothy
3:6 "...being lifted up with pride
he falls into the condemnation of the devil."
He had good news for the
people about the kingdom of God:.Luke
8:1. People could now be out of reach of the devil, the dark side of
life, the side that brings hurt, Christ having
replaced him as light bringer.
Many have not yet been reached for awakening.
They are out there whom the
Creator has ordained
to eternal life. Important to do what you can in reaching
them. In Christ we are all saved. Just
now, all do not yet know that, because they haven't been awakened to that
I mean, let's get real! Do
you flog a message to a poverty stricken family in San Salvador or wherever,
who may have deformed children, living on bread and water, sleeping on
cardboard with no or makeshift roof for protection from the elements, with
few, if any, cooking and cleaning facilities, with so many heartaches that
you could not remember them all if they told them to you. Do you tell them
that God hates them if they do not 'accept Him' and will send them to hell,
depressing them even more, taking any and all hope away as was done to
North American Indians? That was not the message of Christ. Christ
had compassion. Instead, that was the message
of much, but not all, of religion. What
Christ thinks of this kind of religion is almost not printable.
Christ's heart while on Earth
in the body of one called Emmanuel was to want others to do better.(John
8:11), not
to condemn them for their shortcomings.
Christ was the
of the world, bringing
hope to others, not the darkness
of despair emanating
from a gloom and
doom message of negativity propagated
by those
of the darkness:.John
8:12; Romans 6:6; 10:1.