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S p e c i a l  T h a n k s

and a bouquet

flower bouquet

Thanks to the Great Infinite Intelligence for inspiring the words
and revealing the meanings of what is written in the Bible
and a thank you to Him for His plan for all humanity, including
the way to have a better life now!

Thanks to these spiritual Christian organizations:
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.(graham-assn.org).through
whom the Lord used to further my knowledge of Him, 
when I was 15. See Billy Graham's movies.(billytheearlyyears.com
and the latest one)

Thanks to Tim Berners-Lee.(biography, w3.org/People/).for creating the
World Wide Web. See his March 2009 video talk on TED.(ted.com).

And thanks to the following generous and kind class 'A' Web Sites
for their help and freebies
Click on any of them to view and acquire some very fine work for
free or ask for help.
Thanks for the Online Bible: Ken Hamel, the American author
of the original Online Bible for the Macintosh.(Windows version also
available from here, onlinebible.org).can be personally contacted by
Email at khamel@aol.com

and thanks to.(blueletterbible.org/kjv/)
logo - Blue Letter Bible
for the scriptures accessible on the Internet

And to Mike Williams and Jim Richards.(impactministries.com).through
whom the Great Infinite One provided such precious truths on the
critically important subjects of righteousness and grace
thanks to the sites whose links appear on
the 'Christian Information' page.

and thanks to
Baker's Encyclopedia of the Bible, Baker Book House, 
Grand Rapids, Michigan, 49516

and thanks to
Harold Coward, Eva Dargyay and Ronald Neufeldt who teach in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of
Calgary, Alberta, Canada.(people.ucalgary.ca/~lipton/subject.html), for their book
Readings In Eastern Religions, from which excerpts
    on Buddhism and Hinduism were used in the 'Eastern Religions' subject

and thanks to
Rod Boyle.(rodboyle@hotmail.com)
for his assistance encoding Flash 
for the AskSuby site

and thanks to
these web hosting services

Thanks to Netscape for a great integrated program with which
one can easily create a web page


thanks to the
British Monarchy.(royal.gov.uk)
British Crown Jewels
*For The Crown Jewels.-.'Rewarded' subject 

And thanks to
logo - Merriam-Webster's Dictionary
and to
American Heritage Dictionary and The Ultra Dictionary (Star Dictionary)
for use of their dictionary, which has with it many other dictionaries

and thanks to Microsoft
for their new Window's 10 operating system
and their Defender computer protection program included with it and thanks for their free offline dictionary

and thanks to
for their above & beyond help in hosting this and the Ask Suby site

and thanks to
C Cleaner
for their file clean up utility

and thanks to
for their anti malware utility

and thanks to
for their spyware utility

and thanks to
E. C. McKenzie for quips from his booklet Speech Sparklers,
Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan

and thanks to
logo - Media Link
*Background by Larry Berlin.-.'Macrobiotics

and thanks to
logo - Image Designs
*The 'butterfly'.-.'Does God Exist?' 
*The 'animated dollars' sign.-.'Prosperity

and thanks to
Mike Shaikun.(gifs.net)
*For 'dancing man and woman'.-.'Dancing' page
*For the animated 'beer boy'.-.'Humor

and thanks to
Robert Gillmor
Robert Gilmore
*for his original watercolor of the 'Slavonian grebe'
Ornithology and painting have been Robert Gillmor's 
principal interests since boyhood and he is now considered 
one of the foremost bird artists of his generation. 
His work has appeared in over 100 books and he has held 
exhibitions in the UK, USA and Kenya. He is a founder 
member of the Society of Wildlife Artists and, having served 
as its first Secretary, then Chairman, is now its President. 
 Robert Gillmor is always seeking fresh inspiration in the field as he believes in studying birds in their natural environment.
His sketches made throughout the world provide the 
basis for his paintings and illustrations in many media.
Many of his pictures have been used by the RSPB, BTO,
The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust and other organizations.

and thanks to
World Flying Flags
in 'About Me
and 'animated flower'.-.'Abased'.-.page 2

and thanks to
and the 'alligator'.-.'Humor'.-.page 2'

and thanks to
logo -Chozen's Graphics
*For the 'Bible' graphic on the 'Study' page

and thanks to
for the background on the 'Children' page

and thanks to
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for the SiteSearch program

