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NT and OT Questions

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P s a l m s

-Psalms 1:2 Surely this can't mean we literally are to do this?

-Psalms 1:5.What is this talking about?

-Psalms 4:5.What does it mean to offer the sacrifices of righteousness?

-Psalms 7:11.Why is God angry with the wicked when He controls their conversion?

-Psalms 8:4; 144:3; Job 7:17,18; Hebrews 2:6.What about us is important to God?

-Psalms 9:17 says the wicked shall be turned into hell? What does hell mean?

-Psalms 10:5.What does it mean."he puffs at them"?

-Psalms 11:5.The Infinite One teaches lessons. Why?

-Psalms 19:7.How does the law mentioned here, convert the soul?

-Psalms 22:24.What is the."affliction of the afflicted"?

-Psalms 25:14.What is the secret of the Lord talked of here?

-Psalms 33:15 Are people really all that different, or do all of us think pretty much alike?

-Psalms 34:7.Does this mean that we each have a guardian angel?

-Psalms 34:19.Why would the righteous have many afflictions as it says here?

-Psalms 37:18.Does God know about me?

-Psalms 58:3 How can a baby be wicked from the womb, as soon as it is born? This is stupid!

-Psalms 73:28.My pastor says to pray and fast and obey church leadership if I want to get closer to God.

-Psalms 74:20 Where else does darkness come if not from the hearts of those of humanity influenced by the dark side?

-Psalms 78:25.What does is mean here."angels' food" and."manna".in Exodus 16:15?

-Psalms 94:11.Does God know what's going on here?

-Psalms 104:15.Is it alright for a Christian to go to Pub and drink beer?

-Psalms 105:40."The people asked and he brought quails and satisfied them with the bread of heaven.".What is this bread of heaven?

-Psalms 111:10.What is the."fear of the Lord"?

-Psalms 116:15 says that the death of those in Christ, saints, is precious in God's eyes. If it's so precious then, why doesn't God, with whom nothing is impossible keep them alive?

-Psalms 140:13.Giving thanks for all things? The bad too?
