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Q u e s t i o n s  W e  M a y  H a v e
p a g e  1 4 b

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In the Old Testament, cities of refuge existed for criminals guilty of manslaying.(3rd degree murder):.Numbers 35:11-13.

A distinction is made, not between sudden anger and malice aforethought, both which are the crime of murder, but between intentionally striking a man with any weapon likely to cause death and an unintentional blow. In the latter case alone, the city of refuge afforded protection. Murder in all its forms and under all disguises, pollutes a land. Murder comes from hate:.1John 3:15.

Contrived wars for greed.(people killed for profit by or for someone).."Every war and conflict comes forth as disagreements to some name.(Jew, Arab, white, black, Christian, Muslim, etc.). Surrender to the wisdom of uncertainty realizing that you are part of a larger scheme....Things appear according to what is looked for."....Deepak Chopra, deepakchopra.com

Most wars are begun from a purpose of greed and control by those long having left off comprehension of what a military is actually for and instead, brainwashing those sent to fight in order to support the evil decision makers nefarious purposes:.Isaiah 33:15.
   The purpose of police and military is supposed to keep war from occurring, to be a deterrent to intense anger getting out of hand, that often leads to escalated violence of any scale.

"The 'war on terror' is an absurd war against a tactic. It posits the idea of perpetual or what is now called 'generational', war. It has no discernible end.(for a reason, often that being greed & control using fear). There is no way to define victory. It is, in metaphysical terms, a war against evil and evil, as any good seminarian.(student at a theological school).can tell you, will always be with us as long as men and women remain cut off from their soul. The most destructive evils, however, are not those that are externalized. The most destructive are those that are internal, of the ego. These hidden evils, often defined as virtues, are unleashed by our hubris, self-delusion and ignorance. Evil masquerading as good.(Isaiah 5:20).is evil in its deadliest form."....Chris Hedges.

Good and evil is the war that can never be won because good intentions are really not good.(Psalm 14:3,4; 53:3; Romans 3:10-12).when they come from the same ego level as the warring nature of humanity. One can't solve a problem from the same level that caused it. It takes higher thinking. This solves the problems of the world.

Fighting to change the world has been fought since the beginning of time. Problem has been, those who wanted change, have been working from a level that can never bring change. History shows that! 

The peace solution is beyond the ego level concerns of good and evil. The peace solution resides in a higher consciousness that the ego is not capable of. Conflict is a way the ego attracts anguish, hurt, misery and heartache with its tools of fear, deceit and confusion. Only a change in consciousness fixes it. And in this the work is cut out to do 1, 2, 3.

When something is defined as good we want to defend it. When something is interpreted as evil we want to eradicate it. Actions of war diminish and dehumanize individuals, removing dignity from the vanquished and enlarging the pride of the winner at the expense of the loser. It's really a lose lose situation, although for the winner and for a short time it appears as not so:.Proverbs 29:18.

The ego's way is to keep humanity severed from his soul by using means to reinforce both a belief in separateness and to keep established in him the way of getting what one wants through violence. 

Wars fuel greed and turn attention from nature where there is enough for all, to a condition which enforces belief in lack and shortages.

In higher consciousness, fulfilment comes from altruistic activities where acts of kindness predominate and destruction is not an option:.Matthew 5:39.

As for killing, every time you walk you kill any number of insects. Your body is killing bacteria invaders by the thousands each day. Key is, man is the important thing:.Genesis 1:26. Should we kill things? Depends what and why?

Matthew 7:15 "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."

In wars, God allows those to live whom He will:.Joshua 10:10,20; Numbers 21:3

Only legalists.(the Pharisaic types).would ever think that a young boy going to war with thoughts of protecting his family and fellow countrymen, women and children, would deserve to go to hell

He was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to make a difference. That's what he believed in. Consider how moved God must be with his decision:.John 15:13.

God looks for reasons to exercise mercy, forgiveness and kindness, not destroy people:.John 10:10; John 3:16,17. An example from November '97.

Well then, just why doesn't God stop all this insanity or why did God let it all start in the first place?

"Passion and enthusiasm are the seeds of achievement."....Mac Anderson