are these keys?)
March 7 2025
info on so-called Canada & July 1st Canada day
(see the short movie
The Illusion and more details on the subject at that page)
A quick overview:
Very good people are in Canada, but corrupt ones at the top in most
every areas, such as its banks
its media et al,
including politicians, health depts. corporations,
etc., hiding truth from the public.
at 50:47 to 52:14
Pray for better life for all good hearted people. Follow Trump, who's
done and is doing so much
to bring peace,
health and prosperity everywhere. We are already one with our giant
friendly neighbor to the south.
Over 60% of Canadians know this and want to be together in this family
with our brothers and sisters.
Reaching the hearts of the other 40% takes prayer, so do it! The power
is in the good people.
Prayer along with personal decision assures that you are as
clean as you can be and
are listed in the.Book
of Life.and
get to go to one of the Redemption
Centers opening now, to get good
And then what on down the road of life besides being a good steward
of all you'll receive?.Luke
those living in Canada should love to be one with our American brothers
and sisters.
How does no more income tax,
etc. sound to you? How does debts wiped out sound to you?
And how does this sound? Money coming back that was stolen in many
ways by the cabal who took it from
all of us, including you, our moms, dads & grandparents and that
going back for generations.
Well, how
much is coming to each of us?
How does free healing of ALL diseases, restoring even missing
limbs and making
you much younger and stronger with the new Med
Beds sound to you?
How does peace sound to you with no more horrible
evils upon children or anyone?
How does the elimination of subjugation
of all people by the many
ways, such as financial corruption,
the cabal used sound to you? How does a three day work week sound to
you? And so much more!
Not available in your country yet? It will all
be, thanks to Trump, Putin and the rest of the Alliance world militaries
et al.
Support what's coming with your prayers as much
as you can.
Canada far better off with America under Trump
than being sold to the Communist Chinese. Who would you rather be with?
larger text.(in
Windows computers), hold down
key and roll the mouse wheel or Ctrl ++
e a r c h t h e s i t e
o r u s e
t h i s i n d e x.
of Topics__Ask
of Use__________________Privacy
site uses the free
Dictionary© and Linked
wonderful worlds of words are put together with thanks to the great
new society of
now for all good hearted humans)
Home Theatre? It's a getaway in your own home.
Take a
walking tour of this beautiful city of Calgary,
Alberta, one of the 10 sun cities in what
is known
as North America https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldAJ3NUZFrE
The fantastic
wisdom of Dr. Joseph Murphy
See these videos. They
were on the February 10, 2025 Situation Update beginning from 42 minutes,
47 seconds in.
Evil ones are.now.disappearing.
Soon, you'll wonder
where have they all gone:.Psalms
37:10; Isaiah 41:11,12.
There's a lot of them on their way
out and more to go. God does not want them
around good hearted people. How
many really evil ones are there?
And what about all the health &
prosperity promised to good people?
Where is it & when does it come?
Or will it first be like Job for
many of us?
Job went through losing all. He kept
his relationship with God, because Job knew:.John
10:10; 3John 1:2; Hebrews:13:5.
keep up with Daily Updates by Judy Byington, as read by Mary
out about 7:30-8pm Mountain time)

Putin, the Earth and the non
terrestrial Alliances are cleaning out the cabal,
who care not for the true God of all love and compasssion and whose crimes
are many, various, cruel and filthy,
covering all aspects of society;
one of them.
But why for centuries did God not do something about it? It's because a
few in history did do something about it that brought us to where we are
today with the cleanup of evil. But most didn't because apart from risking
death, they knew not what else to do.
Learn what you can do and know that God
never forces and
overrides anyone and know that no askey,
no getty. So how many of us wrote down a complaint about the evil affecting
us all and then laid it in the court of God by reading it to God, the judge
of all, with concern that there be no more of such evils as there has been?
Well, no wonder God did nothing. Not enough of us cared to even do that.
An individual's non doing is tacit.compliance
with evil. God will not override the thinking of His creation as shown
by their mass consciousness.
It has to begin with us. It has to expand with us. It's what we each can
do and need to do if we want all the good promised for us. And it's powerful
to do so. How powerful?
So, do it for yourself and others you love. Begin now to pray what's needed
and to live
what's good:.Matthew
21-22:39,40. The more that do, the quicker it'll all change.
Knock! Knock! "Who is it honey?" "He says he's
and has
two soldiers with him and says we have 5 minutes
to repent."
"Ah, they are just religious crazies."
"He says it's for what we did to the babies,
children and others."
"He just said time's up, Bye Bye!"
Fight, Fight, Fight! What did Trump
mean that each and all of us could do?
It means to stay focused! How?
Isaiah 41:11,12
What's he mean by psychedelics?
No, not the hallucinatory
distorted mind drugs like LSD, fentanyl,
etc., but rather, for one example, the extremely healthful mushrooms
as described here. Shove the fear away. Hey! If you drink too much
water, you'll go crazy. Only drink when thirsty. Listen to your body! What's
Time for all wanting to be on the good side is now. It's started.
The evil is on its way out:.2Chronicles
15:2; Psalms 37:10.
How the true
Christian Amish helped and how the true Christian group called the
Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints still help today. Their story.
1Timothy 4:2
Michael Jaco, former Navy Seal & CIA, explains about the ongoing
war with the
negative ones and how the good side is winning.
Also a 2
hour video with Jaco & Juan O' Savin revealing much new intel.
Also see, his great
interview with Michelle Moore.
Dr. Makis Christmas family picture
and he writes more about the horrible corruption
of Alberta Health Services and Alberta College of Physicians and Surgeons.
also for full video https://t.me/MikeJaco/10032
Joe Dispenza explains in
his videos how people have healed themselves
of serious diseases and
how to raise one's consciousness to that level.
time of negativity of Satan is over. The
war between good & evil has played out as you'll see heading into this
good 2025. So, what's the holdup? Especially Canada and the U.S. are behind
in their mass arrests reported by Mary in the
31, 2024 Situation Update at 21 minutes in. Keep up. They'll shortly
be caught up. Say Bye, Bye to this one.
See Mary's latest daily news.
Your money and
so much more is ready - 'soon' released, because no one who is good wants
any money again going into the hands of the evil ones. That's why no dates
are released yet.
Hang in there. Job
did and it was bumpy for him going through it.
And helping Canadians wake up.
Romans 2:4
"... don't you know it's the goodness of God that leads one to repentance?
And the same goodness awakens others to what God is.really.like.
So, let's get on with it. God wants all the good people to prosper and
be in perfect health:.1John
1:2. NO MORE HOLD UPS. Do your part in prayer. Do your part in gently
awakening others. How?
We are almost there. And, who
are the reputable truthers to lean toward?
to bring the world into God in 1 day, so God resumes full up
front reign permanently and why God hasn't until now!
God is not
going to do it for us. Each of us has to want it from his or her heart.
to get the bucks so you can make times happy for all you love. And,
learn about more love. Hear these

1, 2024, more on 'Med Beds' at 26 minutes in
What's happening?
-3 types of payouts
and your new
QFS account
agenda and clean up
-'Med Beds', actually are frequency
correction systems.(healing
machines), affectionately called 'med beds' because they
restore what the corrupt medical/pharma, etc. complex has
done in harming humans. 1-
see at 35 minutes in; 2-
at 12 min & at 30:43; 3-
at 8:34
-White & Red Hats cleaning up
the crud.
-It's happening in tiny drips with a few larger drops here and there.
The change is here, but be patient for it to spread worldwide. It's a permanent
change for the world.
Anyone still thinking vaccines aren't harmful because your doctor said
click the pic for what the hospital doctors did
Learn about the money coming to you at your Redemption
Center appointment.
Pick the videos your heart tells you to see. They
are free!
First, shutdown of all TV, Internet, radio, ATMs, etc. and
calls will still work, but get the free military encrypted.Signal
app {signal.org} for calls to family
& friends, they need to have Signal on their phones too). Applies
to everywhere on Earth, a little at a time and that for about 2-14 days.(have
enough food, water and cash on hand for your family and to help others).
During this time TVs, radios will work but only to see and hear repeating
8 hour documentaries three times daily about what has really gone on,
that so many still seem oblivious
about. You need to know where it's all going and why. The clean up of the
criminals who have run the world into the ground is being completed. Details
daily, from https://rumble.com/c/Mary
usually at 7:30pm to around 8pm Mountain Time.
6:38 "Give and it's given unto you in good measure, pressed down
and shaken together and
running over into your bosom..."
speeding up for you?
up with Daily Updates by Judy Byington, as read by Mary
now have progressed to good from evil where all on Earth
still a bumpy road, but will smooth out soon.
great reign of the true God
unfolding on Earth. God went into hiding. Why?
in there! It's still a bit bumpy on the ascension road we all are on.
the Earth moves to the peace & calm of good, many are feeling 'off'
in their daily lives. What's exactly
happening to make us feel that way?
drivers learn to survive on their roads.
God always wanted you to be prosperous, but alas,
the dark side had their plans for you too, BUT NOT ANY LONGER! The
dark side's hidden workings are now revealed in a massive archive, thanks
Dr. Steven Greer's special
new disclosure. The
time God gave the evil ones to change their hearts to good is now over.
They just got worse and worse:.1Timothy
4:2; 6:5-10; Romans
Ecclesiastes 8:11.
Ward is the head of the Humanitarian Program
for the world. We are now finding out what's necessary to be part of it,
as it's being finalized and released soon where you live. Charlie, Simon
Parkes, Dave, Mark Z & others and Mary on the Situation Updates
will let us know when it's released. Wise to get information
about it and any idea(s) laid down on paper now. In the meantime
you can consider what others are readyingthemselves
for, example
Jack Kidd in
has asked to join BRICS.
Also check out the fabulous NESARA/GESARA/QFS/BRICS/XRPL.
It's for you! There's money for you! And enough of it to
help others and you and your family too.
See Mary's talk about the simplicity of it, at
at 14 minutes 10 seconds in, to about 17:33. Have an idea to help humanity
in some way, even in small ways. Jack
Kidd has a big plan and that's ok, because there is enough money.
You'll enjoy prosperity
you've probably never imagined. How
much will each of us get? Wow! You'll be able
to help your family, help yourself and if it's in your heart to, help others
who need help until their prosperity comes.
The dark side part of world history is over and
now it's the time of the true God. Why
now and not before? Consider being thankful in your heart as the results
of God's great plan affects your life for good. A whole new world is now
unfolding! Our Galactic Family is here to help
by keeping us safely protected and are helping in the clean
up of evil being wrapped up by Trump,
BRICS Alliance Special
Forces and those in our Galactic Family such as the Ergarot, Venusians,
Pleiadians and others. How many do they have
to clean up?
Where's it all leading
to? And what's our part in
getting it cleaned up until all the evil is removed? And when
money is ready, what will you do? Probably for some, it will be such a
change from working just to earn money to work another day and now working
to give love, help and service to others a few hours a week.(*).
you can do in making a better
world as the blackboard is being cleaned of all
that was on it.(see
'Conclusion' of the pdf linked from the words here 'all that was on it').that
was no good? But there are others here on Earth too, non terrestrials.
Are they good or bad? Why 3 of them were able to be seen
in Miami's Bayside Mall.
April & May is a good time of year to reflect
on what God has done through Christ, for us:.Isaiah
52:14. When is there not a time to learn?
David E. Martin explains
the fraud of covid in this most seen ever
of any video ever on the
See how Dr David E. Martin
and Pascal Najadi speak. No notes. Good public
They both leave you with
great information that is true.
They both really know their
stuff and have much truth to share with you.
More Dr David E. Martin videos
And, an amazing Tucker Carlson video interview
with the president of El Salvador.(map),
about how the cabal tried to get rid of him and how it was turned back
on those evil ones, landing 70,000 MS13 gang members in the slammer, many
still awaiting tribunals. From the most dangerous country in the world
to the safest in the Western Hemisphere, all done in three years.
Cleanup of evil over 93% done by Trump, Putin, the good
non terrestrial forces & the many good Alliance militaries on Earth
with their Special Forces.(example
of 'Rambo'; and the examples of the American
Navy Seals,
Delta Forces, Army Rangers, Russian FSB, Spetznas,
Canada's JTF2 {Joint Task Force 2},
England & Australia's SAS and many other Special
Forces in all BRICS countries).
Good stuff follows. Praise God for what's being done.
God gets things done
through people. It's unfolding now!
Psalms 133:1.
16:7 "When a man's ways please the Lord,
he makes even his enemies to be at peace with
Why it's already done by the incredibly powerful good
Space Command
and why what's left is allowed to play out so people could see what would
happen if they didn't wake up, missing God's massive prosperity, health,
safety and protection program, a new much better life here
now and free. See more of what's going, going & soon gone and the amazing
of God'. The cleanup
of criminals near done, some examples. |
God has already won.
It's now done! Truth always wins:.Luke
8:17; Ephesians 4:21.
But, do we want God to speed up bringing us all the good we prefer?
it! So, do it! When the light of love is on in you, there can be no
here! Some of these amazingly good people are
And more from other locations in the multiverse just recently joined them
in freeing Earth from evils the cabal had made it into. Our Galactic Families
have come from very far away to be here to help the Earth
Alliance and Venusian militaries
eliminate the cabal, permanently freeing Earth from horrible demonic corruption.
Their home worlds are star galaxies, universes beyond anything most may
know of. How did they come? Whywas
this the time to come? Are there more who are helping? Who
are they, what are they like and where are their homes?

They use craft and portals.(see
one).and stargates.(see
one).and specialized weaponry in
locating negative frequencies of demons. With
this help, we will all be forever free of the evils that have gone on for
of years by these non human shapeshifters,
looking and speaking as if they are one of us. You will know them by what
they produce, because it's always evil in some way and often down the road
or they would not be able to suck anyone into the evil ways of their dark
The Venusians
have been here since 1957, doing the same, cleaning up the crud.
Now additional help has come. An estimated 1.75 billion of the 920 different
species on Earth, most of them good but almost the same amount of them
are extremely evil demon cabal criminal monsters, both on and under Earth.
Most on top of Earth are shape-shifters.
You would know them as those judges supporting their corrupt Maritime
courts, shifty dishonest lawyers, bought off police and politicians,
pharmaceutical and medical lackeys,
corporate heads, etc. all appearing as if they were human, but they are
11:14. Ways to recognize
them from true humans include a feeling you may sense about them; a
coldness, shivers. They are always up to evil and more evil. They
lie, twisting any truth into a lie. Their byword
for living is deceit. As gene Decode has said, 'They have no reverse gear'.
Mentioned also in Situation Updates by Judy Byington, December 17, 2023.
And, gene on submarines
and so much more.
BE SURE to follow these and more on Judy Byington's daily Situation
Updates, as read by Mary
What's new
being released..'Med
Beds' can heal all illness, restore limbs and organs, get
you younger by 25-50 years, all no charge and always free, for pets too.
Five million plus, already in place in the world, ready to be released.
The medical marvel,med
beds set to revolutionize healthcare. Introduction
of medical beds is in Germany, soon to be followed by Canada. This
is a giant step for humanity. Imagine surgeries that once took hours, now
completed in mere minutes, without the need for anesthesia and with patients
walking out immediately, ready to resume their lives.
Steven Greer has seen the 'med beds' work to restore a limb. And click
here, go to 21 minutes in for a wounded soldier telling the story of
his repair at a Med Bed center to better than before his injury.
new QFS.Quantum
Financial System, where all the money you've
ever paid in Income Tax, Property
Tax, interest and principal on mortgages, vehicle loans, insurance,
is coming back to you and a much better way of banking with a new
free Q-phone and you also get
a new free ultra fast quantum computer, faster than the fastest supercomputer
on Earth today and connects to the new free lightning fast Interweb (Internet).
Keep up
with what's really going on..6000
suppressed devices to help humanity are being released and so much more,
like new free quantum cell phones and transmission of signals from the
new Star Link satellites and new computers for the new unhackable satellite
Interweb (Internet), a whole new
court and justice system (thankfully) and much more, like.free
energy.to run your vehicle and for heating
and cooking and, the replicators. 
Washington Report - concise accurate information, presented so you
learn fast.
Professor Ellis Washington,
J.D. "I went to Harvard Law School for 1 year (1988-89) with future POTUS
Barack Hussein Obama, (b. March 7, 1960, d. 09/29/2019), but I took the
opposite path in Life, New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia
and Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the
Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the "Satan OATH"�
which is why I've been blacklisted since 1989 for over 34 years for my
entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why? To avenge Harvard
University's original 1692 motto "Veritas pro Christo et Ecclesia" {= Truth
for Christ and the Church}. Like Peter said about getting to the truth:.John
Why are all national currencies of
the world promiscuously printed at will by the Rothschild Central Bankers
to fund perpetual False Flag Wars (like starting it and blaming it on say
the Russians) while keeping the entire world enslaved inside an existential
Birth-School-Labor-Taxes-Debts-Retirement-Death cycle of the Rothschild
Khazarian Mafia Matrix (set up earlier but got worse from 1871-2021). The
answers can be learned by reading, studying and sharing the Truth of my
Critical Thinking blog that has just surpassed 23 million views:.EllisWashingtonReport.com
More from Dr Ardis
The tricky medical system. What
they'll do for their greed and your death?
JFK is alive
(they had clones back then too;
this pic is one of them)
JFK Junior is also back
larger text.(in
Windows computers), hold down
key and roll the mouse wheel.
David E. Martin explains
more in this most seen ever of any video on the Internet.
In addition, the Alliance Special Forces.(Trump,
Putin & many other nations of the BRICS
Alliance).along with the Alliance
non terrestrial light beings
are close to completion of the DUMBS
& tunnels.clean
up worldwide, saving all the
alive children and older.(half
were already dead). There are now a lot of very good
hearted people on this Earth, who are cleaning up the few and their
ever so many lackeys
who controlled our money and lives.
These are they who paid demonic
authorities.(politicians in
power, et al,
who look like humans but are evil creature shapeshifters).to
enforce their will of harm upon We
the People. Why would they do this? Because
they are not human. They are demons who can make themselves look human,
but who hate those of humanity and have come up with devious
ways to get rid of them.(any
negative ways such as wars, covid, poisonings,
etc.).all, except those of their ilk.who
also look as if
they are human. Such are they who always lie, even by painting the
truth of something a certain way:.2Corinthians
Great info on the truth about Russia that the corrupt
controlled educational system and corrupt media keep from
you and good intel on the Covid vaccine con, toward the end! See
it all the way through. To verify see these
documents. Also,
this link, how Pascal Najadi is making out, taking down the
entire corrupt Swiss government. > > >
on the cabal being finished. God has never
left us. Bye bye so-called
New World Order.(or should we
say odor and a
one at that).and
riddance. They and their fellow demon
as humans will never be back on Earth.
They have brought this world into the mess
it has become due to their deceits and acts of harm so horrible that
they are Crimes Against Humanity, such as what's
been done to children and all of us with
poisonings in drugs, so-called vaccines,
drinking water, violence and oppressive government policies in all
areas of living. These evil ones are not even going back to where the hell
it was they came from. They will be eliminated permanently, unless they,
what's called, repent, that is, to change,
but it seems most of them won't:.1Timothy
10:19 "...nothing shall by any means hurt you."
One of the most popular interviewers in the world.
video and then go to 28:50 mark.
2 minutes in, reincarnation.
-at 6 min. in, about Christ, how
meaningful was His crucifixion, the meaning kept from us. And, Christ's
gift was for all in the multiverse.
-14 min in, your soul body, how
to not give it away, if you do, what happens to it?
-17 min in, Study the.Bible.yourself,
think for yourself. Don't let others tell you what it means. God is with
-at 19 min. in, Earth notflat
as some claim. And, the things that matter and why to demand your unalienable
rights given to us by God.
-at 25 min in EBS alerts released
the cabal on October 4, 2023 had bad silent frequencies to harm people.
They were intercepted and cleaned by the
Alliance. Also speaks here about people 'zombied' out.
-at 36 min in about the fascist
-at 41 min. 40 seconds in, Martin
Luther King Jr's amazingly inspired words.
-at 43 min What's God look like?
-at 48 in we win the war not by
dying for God, but by living for God.
-at 50 min in Antartica, what the
cabal kept hidden from us.
-at 54 in, more on Earth is a sphere,
-at 1:00:00 flrst stargates found
were in Iraq. Cabal still working to locate the genetic code 'keys' that
enable it to function. They do this by intermarrying with those of humanity
and also use PCR 'test' on you to find it; guess who has the 'keys'.
-at 1:03:00, 920 different humanoid
species that are also on Earth, which at present to us, appear as we do.
-at 1:12:00 pineal gland. Also,
decalcifying the pineal gland (borax helps)
so you can see what you now can't. Laetrile
decalcifies pineal gland from fluoride the cabal has been poisoning us
with, then your eyes can see them.
-at 1:21:00 gene meets many humanoids
shopping in a Target store. His story about it. And, If you're bothered
by strong negatives, gene explains what to say to get rid of the 'darkies'
See the free movie series The
Chosen, on the life of Christ.
If on ROKU, choose the blue BYU circle logo.
Christ thinks about children.
Subscribe to Deep Dives to see, free then for
3 days, so you can select more.
If not healed instantly, ask
God why? Be bold!
we here to become perfect through sufferings? Nope!
So what's happened? You pray and wait, but nothing
seems to happen, why?
Don't be so friggen
busy that you miss time for good
memories of love.
Take time for them.
But what
if they also have bad memories associated with them?
What about awakening others? What
do we do?
What about the life of ancient Joseph, Jacob's
Read it
all from Genesis chapter 37 all the way through to Genesis 50:20.
And, what about the lessons we can learn from
Hezekiah's life?
He learned the hard way, but he did learn.
gene Decode interview
on Charlie Ward, covers Maui truths kept from public
& newer spiritual information. And an update on it covering Hopi Indians
and ant people, Maui residents should sue insurance companies for their
losses; thermite used in all bldgs for insurance purposes, why?
And, why Russia is so powerful,
because trade schools in Canada, US & UK train mostly not producers,
creators, inventors of new things, only fixers. A purposeful
dumbing down of people. https://rumble.com/v3h7ri2-gene-decode-ancient-lands-in-america-maui-ukraine-and-the-truth-behind-911..html
And here.(https://rumble.com/v3div5w-gene-decode-huge-intel-8.31.23-u.s-military-bringing-it-all-down.html).gene
Decode speaks about how humans got here on their long route from where
originally created and what's really going on both here on Earth and on
other worlds and why most of us can't recall our past lives. It's mind
blowing, breathtaking and cliff-hanging, but is it true? Yep! See the honesty
and concern gene has shown for us all in his amazing life in this video.
And then see the Journey
to Truth mind blowing video interview.
You've never heard anything
like it! Simply fantastic!.(click
on the graphic).
It starts at 1 minute 50
seconds into the video.
daily Situation Updates by
Judy Byington
to Friday.and
often Saturday and Sunday, thanks Mary. See August 31.(https://rumble.com/v3dr4ly-situation-update-83123.html),
starts off with corrupt ones and at 6 minutes in, the Lahaina,
Maui, Hawaii debacle
and at 43 in, crooked world controllers. September 1.(https://rumble.com/v3dykxk-situation-update-9123.html).is
an update on Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii.
Mainstream media in reporting many news items uses obfuscation
and outright
11:13), in
order to hide any truth reflecting on their satanically influenced
See also gene Decode's short history
on Hawaii.(11
minutes), starting at 1 hour and 58
minutes in.(https://rumble.com/v3do34y-live-situation-update-with-gene-decode-and-special-guests-from-lahaina.html),
about how the criminals originally took over Hawaii. And this one starts
off with gene's amazing life and at 29 in, beware ancestry sites, continues
with how the military is taking all the evils
sure to also follow.Canadian.Kevin
in his continuing 30+ years effort stopping world genocide.
Very important to get and thoroughly
read his free well written book Murder
By Decree. You can also get a hard
copy book of it; you pay for the hard copy one. Read it free, download
the free one to keep or get the hard copy, all athttps://murderbydecree.com
You can read and save it
here and also can read an in depth
interview of Kevin and a record of only
a few of the 60,000 plus, murders, plus all those murdered and
permanently injured by the covid jab.
The cabal experimented on.(that
is, tortured).children
to see how their injections could be made
to various degrees of toxicity. Only demons and those highly influenced
by them would do such things.
The International
Criminal Court verdict shows crimes of the Roman Catholic churches,
Anglican churches, United churches, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip,
RCMP, local police departments, courts, judges, lawyers, legal system,
mayors, corporate heads and includes school boards, hospitals, health depts.
and other 'care' agencies and of course politicians in both Canada's federal
and provincial governments.at
all levels, local, regional, county, provincial/state and federal,
who were involved in torture, murder and cover ups. Evils done for the
money and kicks received from their
crimes against We
the People, is how Satan
controls the world:.1John
5:19. Money
they received for their crimes cannot purchase their freedom. That's why
the uncorrupted Alliances are taking them down worldwide.(examples).and
that permanently. How would you know who's who?.Matthew
7:15-20. If only they would ask the God of all compassion and power,
to help.(Deuteronomy
5:29; Psalms 51:17; Isaiah
57:15; 66:2),
God would send a miracle to change the heart & soul and they would
be free from the grip of doing horrendous evils, changing the nature permanently.
never too late
to change, no matter what one is or who one may be or how long horrendous
evils have been done.
November 12, 2023 broadcast.(when
there, scroll down to the black audio line and click on the arrow to start).
42 minutes in shows why Canada is
only a nation because of its peoples adherence to custom, convention and
tradition. The country was designed by those out to subjugate
it. The country was not designed by We
the People https://bbsradio.com/podcast/here-we-stand-november-12-2023
Get Kevin's new book.Crimes
Against Humanity, on his site and at Amazon.
Police never took an oath
to protect you, We the People.
Their oath was always to the Queen and her rat pak, protecting the politicians
and other criminal crown entities. The Crown has now been taken down thanks
to Trump, Commander Thor.(a
message to us from him).and
all policies againstWe
the People are no longer in effect.
Thanks to Kevin and his team
we now have an International
Court verdict on crimes committed by these corrupt ones, these criminals,
including the pharmaceutical & medical ones. The 'med
beds' will wipe out the systems
of poisoning they had set up to, slowly or quickly, murder you, depending
on what batch of poisons they put in vaccines.(and
even your food), which they lied to
you about saying they were "safe and effecive", which they knew all along
were not. They are murderers. Follow Kevin's
previous talks by Kevin and a link to Kevin's latest, help to get and
keep you in the know).on
what's initially
been called the Republic of Kanata.(Kanata
is a First Nations word, meaning 'all sit around the fire as one'),
an absolute control in Canada by We
the People of only rules created by We
the People for such a new society, a society
no longer contaminated by the satanic cabal globalists pretending to be
for We the People
as governments, like what's called the Canadian government and political
parties, while actually were private, foreign.corporations
with others feigning
as their managers of society, such as 'health' departments, which have
shown themselves to be satanically nazi/communist departments of death,
as they have shown by promulgating
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