what about after one is a believer? Is there ever a reason to have guilt?
the devils active today?
what has He chosen even if we don't believe Him or in Him, and why?
we be influenced by the evil?
this sound like someone out to do you harm?
He "judged" the world already?
we all had it hard enough here?
about those still living a life that is condemning them to the heartaches
of low consciousness?
is there about God that one would not like?
our part in judged acceptable to the Father?
does 1Peter 4:17 mean?
does 1Timothy 5:12 mean?
does 'having to account for every idle word' mean?
shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
judges? Does God the Father? Does Christ?
would anyone shy from avoiding another who wants to give you your heart's
desires? Why would anyone be reticent of another who died to give him a
better life and to ensure that he would live forever? Is there really any
other way we would want?
-And who
are the just?
about James 2:22,24,26 saying that
faith is made perfect by works?
you first came to Christ and received the Holy Spirit; did you get to that
point by first keeping all the commandments perfectly?