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A woman was getting a pie ready
to put into the oven when the phone rang. It was the school nurse:
Her son had come down with a high fever and would she come and take him
The mother
calculated how long it would take to drive to school and back, and how
long the pie should bake, and concluded there was enough time. Popping
the pie in the oven, she left for school.
When she arrived,
her son's fever was worse and the nurse urged her to take him to the doctor.
Seeing her son like that - his face flushed, his body trembling and dripping
with perspiration - frayed her, and she drove to the clinic as fast as
she dared.
She was frayed
a bit more waiting for the doctor to emerge from the examining room, which
he was doing now, walking toward her with a slip of paper in his hand.
"Get him to bed," he told her, handing her the prescription, "and start
him on this right away." By the time she got the boy home and in bed and
headed out again for the shopping mall, she was not only frayed, but frazzled
and frantic as well. And she had forgotten about the pie in the oven.-
At the mall
she found a pharmacy, got the prescription filled and rushed back to the
car . . . which was locked. Yes, there were her keys, hanging in
the ignition switch, locked inside the car. She ran back into the mall,
found a phone and called home. When her son finally answered, she
blurted out, "I've locked the keys inside the car!" The boy was barely
able to speak. In a hoarse voice he whispered, "Get a wire coat hanger,
Mom. You can get in with that."
The phone went
dead. She began searching the mall for a wire coat hanger - which
turned out not to be easy. Wooden hangers and plastic hangers were
there in abundance, but shops didn't use wire hangers anymore. After
combing through a dozen stores, she found one that was behind the times
just enough to use wire hangers. Hurrying out of the mall, she allowed
herself a smile of relief. As she was about to step off the curb,
she halted. She stared at the wire coat hanger. "I don't know
what to do with this!" Then she remembered the pie in the oven. All
the frustrations of the past hour collapsed on her and she began
crying. Then she prayed, "Dear Lord, my boy is sick and he
needs this medicine and my pie is in the oven and the keys are locked in
the car and, Lord, I don't know what to do with this coat hanger.
Dear Lord, send somebody who does know what do with it, and I really need
that person NOW, Lord. Amen." She was wiping her eyes when a beat-up
older car pulled up to the curb and stopped in front of her. A young
man, twentyish looking, in a T-shirt and ragged jeans, got out. The first
thing she noticed about him was the long, stringy hair, and then the beard
that hid everything south of his nose. He was coming her way.
When he drew
near she stepped in front of him and held out the wire coat hanger.
"Young man," she said, "do you know how to get into a locked car with one
of these?" He gaped at her for a moment, then plucked the hanger from her
hand. "Where's the car?" Telling the story, she said she had never seen
anything like it - it was simply amazing how easily he got into her car.
A quick look at the door and window, a couple of twists of the coat hanger
and bam! Just like that, the door was open. When she saw the door
open she threw her arms around him. "Oh," she said, "the Lord sent
you! You're such a good boy. You must be a Christian." He stepped
back and said, "No, ma'am, I'm not a Christian, and I'm not a good
boy. I just got out of prison yesterday."
She jumped
at him and she hugged him again - fiercely. "Bless God!" she cried.
"He sent me a professional!"
A blond woman walks into a store.
Curious about a shiny object, she asks, 'What is that?' The store clerk
responds, "It's a thermos"' The blond then asks, "What does it do?" The
clerk says "It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold." So she
buys one. The next day, she brings it to work with her. Her boss, also
a blond, asks "What is that shiny object?" She replies "It's a thermos."
He asks "What does it do?" She says "It keeps hot things hot and cold things
cold." He then asks, "What do you have in there?" She answers "Two cups
of coffee and a popsicle."
A married couple was in a terrible
accident where the woman's face was severely burned. The doctor told the
husband that they couldn't graft any skin from her body because she was
too skinny. So the husband offered to donate some of his own skin. However,
the only skin on his body that the doctor felt was suitable would have
to come from his buttocks. The husband and wife agreed that they would
tell no one about where the skin came from, and requested that the doctor
also honor their secret. After all, this was a very delicate matter. After
the surgery was completed, everyone was astounded at the woman's new beauty.
She looked more beautiful than she ever had before! All her friends and
relatives just went on and on about her youthful beauty! One day, she was
alone with her husband, and she was overcome with emotion at his sacrifice.
She said, 'Dear, I just want to thank you for everything you did for me.
There is no way I could ever repay you.' 'My darling,' he replied, 'think
nothing of it. I get all the thanks I need every time I see your mother
kiss you on the cheek
So you want a day off...
Let's look at what you are asking for. There are only 365 days in a year
available for work. You get 52 weeks of 2 days each off for weekends: that's
104 days off the 365, which leaves 261 available for work. You spend 16
hours a day away from work those 261 days which equals 174 days. So you
have 87 days left. You spend 40 minutes each day of the 261 on two coffee
breaks, equaling approximately 7 days, leaving 80 days. You have a one
hour lunch each day equaling 11 more days, leaving 69 days. You spend 6
days a year on sick leave, bringing it down to 63 days. You have 5 holidays
plus three weeks holiday period annually, leaving 37 days. You get every
third friday afternoon off (4 hours) bringing it down another full 24 hour
day, leaving 36 days. You waste about 2 hours a day talking with fellow
employees about non work related activities, chalking up 22 days and leaving
14 days. It's amazing how the country does so well with everyone working
about 2 weeks a year!
The Mafia was looking for a
new man to make weekly from all the businesses that they were extorting.
Feeling the heat from the cops, they decide to use a deaf person for this
job, figuring if he were caught, he wouldn't be able to communicate to
the police very easily. In his first week the deaf collector picks up more
than $40,000. He gets greedy, decides to keep the money and stashes it
in a safe place. His employer soon realizes that the money is late and
sends a thug over to see the deaf guy. He drags him to an interpreter.
"Ask him where da money is" says the thug. The interpreter signs the deaf
guy "Where's the money?" The deaf collector replies "I don't know
what you are talking about." The thug places a .38 to the ear of the deaf
collector. "NOW ask him where's da money." The interpreter signs "Where
is the money?" The deaf collector signs the interpreter "The $40,000. is
stashed in a tree stump right next to the old town bridge on the north
side". The interpreter's eyes light up and he says to the thug "He says
he still doesn't know what you're talking about and doesn't think you have
the guts to pull the trigger."
