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The 1940's Secret "Corporate" tactic that allowed Government to take it all! ...by Walter Burien

"Many people have asked for a simple explanation as to the intent behind the CAFR.(Comprehensive Annual Financial Report {issued by all levels of government - local, regional, state/province, national}).and what happened over the decades.

"Well, in a nut shell here is the foundation block that allowed government to take it all over by investment.

"It started in the mid 40's and grew into what we have in government now.

"Government started out as a 'pay as you go' structure. By transforming into a corporate liability company over the decades, this gave them the ability to use 'advance projections' to strip annual operating funds and create advance forward liability accounts whereby in doing so they were able to build numerous 'wealth bases' of equity in designated fund balances separate from the budget reports that were exclusively presented for public viewing. 

"When looking at the 'whole picture' through the CAFR and sub investment fund reports noted per gross income, only 1/3rd is tax income whereas when you look at a budget report for the year it gives the impression per gross income that nearly 100% is tax income..Very deceptive.when only one side of the coin is presented.

"Budget reports are presented giving the false impression that it 'is' the true financial picture and it is far from it. What is shown is primarily tax income for a 'selective grouping' of accounts where tax income is collected and expended.

"A few surplus reviews - http://cafr1.com/ShowMeTheMoney.html 

"The takeover by government was primarily orchestrated by attorneys, both private and acting from within the Judiciary on the city, county and state level

Many private associations were created since the 40's to push government along into becoming an administrative clearing house for revenue collection and control with many of these private associations calling the shots and firmly entrenched in the ever expanding cash flow from the troth.

"Laws were created as each and every push was moved forward to consolidate and expand the takeover by government as the public was masterfully entertained with distraction, misdirection and misinformation due to the money involved.

"Auditing the 136,000 Local Government CAFRs (Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports) of AFR (Annual Financial Report) for collective totals would be a good place to start." ...Walter Burien

And what about auditing the Fed. Walter's already got the info. It's been audited and found lacking and has been dealt with by removing it from its original corrupt purpose, thanks to Trump.
"Solution to rising tax burden: Any local government can be restructured to meet their annual budget needs 'Without' taxes. TRF (Tax Retirement Funds) paying for every City, County, State's annual budgetary needs! Details!"

"Where has all this brought us today? I strongly recommend that all look at their local 'County' CAFR. I have noticed a disturbing trend being forcefully implemented by the attorney complex in control today..(65% of Governors, Senators and Congressmen are now attorneys and od the BAR association). The place to look in your County CAFR is the Statistical Section at the end of the report. Currently most counties will give a ten year or a six year showing of the growth.

"Many County CAFRs that I have looked at from the eastern side of the country show that over the last six to ten years:

1. There was a 100% increase in property taxes collected.

2. There was a 100% to 135% increase in the money pouring into the judiciary.

3. There was a 100% to 115% increase in the money pouring in to the prisons run by the county.

"One thing I found particularly interesting was that even though there was over a 100% increase in cash flowing into the prisons, the prison average daily population had decreased in many cases. Also I took note that the personnel working for the prisons was the largest employee base working for the county.

"Now there were modest increases in social services programs for the youth, adults and elderly, but nothing in comparison to the take being facilitated by the attorney complex for Judiciary and Prisons. It appears the trend is gearing up to 'process' more people through the courts and prisons based on the money being applied. 

"Has the increase in processing the people started yet? By the numbers as of 2007 it appears not yet.

"The middle class natives are getting restless with massive increases in forced taxation, home confiscations, job loss and a weakened economy from the last and massive wealth transfer of trillions taken from one hand and transferred to the other hand through international market derivative manipulation. I still would like to know how many trillions of dollars ended up in those offshore government accounts for a clear showing of profit held in 'the other hand'.

"I will give you an example County CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) to look at here from 2007. It is from York, PA. - http://cafr1.com/STATES/PA/COUNTY/York2007CAFR.pdf

"I am not picking on York but the showing in their statistical section is a clear example of what is brought forward in this post. Look at theirs and then look at your own county CAFR to see if the same findings are evident in your own.

"We all are the end target of our government's intent. Where they apply the money and the showing of their own growth establishes their intent. 

"Look and comprehend. It is your asses that are on the line in the end. Either by paying the bill or as a forced beneficiary of the structure created, or in some cases both.

"When the people realize the true end result of allowing attorneys to takeover and run the show and when the people take true action to stop it, then maybe the tide will change. Until then, the stench of death will grow nearer and in most probability ever present in the air as the ever-expanding made "legal" plunder and theft out of opportunity continues unabated.

"Treason doth never prosper; what's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason."....Sir John Harrington, 1561-1612.

"It is very important to see who the investors are in bond debt standing for all local governments. For decades local governments have been promoting debt at the front door and funding the same debt using their own investment funds through the back door. With them doing so it served a two fold purpose. It locked in an investment for the same local governments to stash their cash, and it allowed for promotion of the debt whereby they could justify by false promotions tax increases to pay the debt, a debt that was in reality a tool used by them to create investment vehicles to funnel their ever growing massive take of revenue (productivity value) from the people."


-Recipe to try raw foods and see how you do on it.
Oats ..................... 10 parts
Barley ................... 2 parts
Wheat .................... 2 parts
Rye ...................... 2 parts
Buckwheat ................ 2 parts
Millet ................... 2 parts
Sesame ................... 1 part
Flax ..................... 1 part
Alfalfa Herb, Powdered ... 2 parts
Dried Prunes ............. 2 parts
Dried Raisins ............ 2 parts
Dried Peaches ............ 1 part
Dried Apricots ........... 2 parts
Dried Dates .............. 1 part
Dried Figs ............... 1 part 

Total -- 15 Ingredients 

"Cut fruit into small pieces. Thoroughly mix fruits and grains together.
Don't cook or heat... just add water -- spring or well water preferred... let soak overnight.
Add milk, cold or warm.(never hot), if desired. Eat 2 to 5 tablespoons every day or at least every other day.

"It is most advisable to soak the ingredients because I want to return the water that was originally in the food and this can only be done by allowing it to soak. I get best results and the most satisfying flavor by making enough to last me a week and keeping it in the refrigerator and then every day or every other day taking out the quantity that I want for that meal.

"Following this recipe alone will correct the condition... that is the lack of energy and will provide you with energy, all day and all night, if you want it. 

"Isn't it tragic that most people in the world don't know this simple answer to a very difficult problem?

"Right now you're thinking this is just too easy, it is just too simple and best of all it doesn't even cost much money. You can buy the ingredients and mix the whole concoction yourself and it will only cost you pennies for a good big breakfast. Why use it only for breakfast... use it for lunch, use it for dinner and you can mix a batch of it to last you a week for less money than it will cost you to buy a big package of those cooked processed cereals that were proven by investigations to contain more energy in the package than in the food. So unless you act upon this suggestion you are depriving yourself of a body full of pep and energy.

"When you eat food outlined in this recipe you are getting 100% nutrition. You are not just getting energy, you're getting practically all of the minerals and vitamins that your body requires to maintain itself in perfect health. I have said for many long years that a handful of grains and a handful of greens can sustain you in perfect health indefinitely provided you don't cook them or process them or chemicalize them.

"Now one more point. The best energy food in the world can be knocked into a cocked hat if you drink a lot of booze and if you smoke a lot of cigarettes or cigars or smoke a pipe or take drugs. This food will work if you permit it to work, if you don't interfere with it." ...John H. Tobe.

What about raw milk?
