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L u k e

-Luke 1:70 and Acts 3:21.What is a prophet and who were the prophets spoken of here?

-Luke 3:14.Is it unfair to pay various employees different wages for the same work?

-Luke 3:16,17 What is the unquenchable fire talked of here?

-Luke 4:4.Did Emmanuel really mean for us to live by every word of God when He talked about plucking out the eyes and cutting off the hands?

-Luke 4:19.What is this 'acceptable year' of the Lord?

-Luke 6:35 seems to contradict Isaiah 26:10. In Isaiah 26:10 the scripture speaks of not showing favor to the wicked because he isn't going to change to be good, but in Luke 6:35 it states that God is kind to the unthankful and to the evil and we are to become as God's nature is?

-Luke 6:37.Are we not to make judgments as it seems to indicate here and in Matthew 7:1,2?

-Luke 8:17 and Mark 4:22 state that nothing ever stays a secret, but 1Peter 4:8 says that love covers a person's wrongdoing. Sounds contradictory.

-Luke 9:24.What does this mean."For whosoever will save his life shall lose it..."?

-Luke 9:28-36.What does it mean here in verse 33, talking of Peter's comment."not knowing what he said"?

-Luke 9:28-36; Mark 9:2-9; Matthew 17:1-8; 8:11 and Luke 23:43.seem to indicate that we go to be with Emmanuel upon death?

-Luke 9:59-62.says about not being fit for the kingdom of God.

-Luke 10:19 says."...nothing shall by any means hurt you", yet Paul and many of the other apostles who were doing this work of getting the gospel message to others were martyred and so have many Christians throughout the centuries since. How come?

-Luke 11:3.What does this."daily bread".mean?

-Luke 11:4.What does."every one that is indebted".mean here?

-Luke 11:36 and Matthew 6:23. What does this mean."...if the light in you is darkness..."? How can light be darkness? and what's it mean to have an 'evil eye'?

-Luke 12:5 Here God says He can cast people into hell after they have been killed. What's this mean?

-Luke 12:10.What does it mean to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit as it says here? Is there really any act we could do where the God who created us would use that to permanently reject us?

-Luke 12:29.What does it mean here to be of."doubtful mind"?

-Luke 12:33.Did Emmanuel really want us to sell all we have, give it to the poor and have nothing?

-Luke 12:49,50."...come to send fire on the Earth"?

-Luke 12:51 and Matthew 10:34.If Christ came to bring peace on Earth, why did He say this?

-In Luke 14:26.Emmanuel sounds so rash here, so uncaring and also similarly in Matthew 8:22. What's He saying?

-Luke 14:33.Why did Emmanuel want us to forsake all in order to follow Him?

-Luke 15:32.Who are the."righteous".being talked about here?

-Luke 16:19-31.What about Lazarus and the rich man here? Doesn't this prove there is a hell? And, what is the."great gulf fixed".that is mentioned here in verse 26?

-Luke 17:3.Are we to forgive only those who are repentant?

-Luke 17:20.What does."the kingdom of God comes not with observation".mean? Is it invisible?

-Luke 17:33 and Matthew 10:39.How do we lose our lives for His sake?

-Luke 18:8.What did Emmanuel mean when He said what He did in Luke 18:8 about finding faith on the Earth when He comes?

-Luke 18:29 Makes no sense if God is a loving God. 

-Luke 20:35.Is Emmanuel saying that to be in His realm that we should not have a sexual partner?

-Luke 21:8."..many shall come in my name, saying..., the time is at hand; go you not after them.".Why not go after them? Wasn't the time at hand to do this?.Matthew 10:7?

-Luke 21:24.What are the times of the Gentiles spoken of here?

-Luke 21:36.How on Earth can you 'pray always' as it says here, unless you're a dedicated monk? It's nuts!

-Luke 22:63-65.Why were they so cruel to Emmanuel?

-Luke 23:34.Why did Emmanuel say."for they know not what they do".in Luke 23:34?.(Luke 23:34 "Then said Emmanuel, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment and cast lots.")

-Luke 23:43.Did did these criminals go to paradise with Emmanuel?

-Luke 23:43; 9:28-36; Mark 9:2-9; Matthew 17:1-8 and 8:11.seem to indicate that we go to be with Emmanuel upon death?

-Luke 24:2.Is it possible that the stone covering the entrance to the tomb where Emmanuel lay dead was moved away by his disciples, so they could remove the body and claim that he was resurrected?
