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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x
C r e a t i o n  Q u e s t i o n s  a n d  A n s w e r s
p a g e  3
-If all in the universe is made of same material, energy in all its different forms, how come, say planes, don't evolve?

All has been programmed to function as the Great Infinite One has designed. Within this overall framework, changes occur, but again only insofar as the original programming allows. Some of creation reproduces. Things such as rocks do not. These are known as inanimate objects.

The Infinite One designed things to be as He wanted and what He has designed is always the best it could possibly be, but man of ordinary consciousness is ignorant of his purpose here and yet brilliant in destructive ways. Man has thought out many inventions:.Ecclesiastes 7:29.

Inanimate things have no life as we understand life to be. Although all things have a specific frequency that makes them to be as we commonly understand them to be. Flowers, rocks, men and women, etc.

There is evolution as man applies his mind to improve what he has made because what man designs always needs improving. Things such as airplanes, vehicles and so on are always being improved.

There is no evolution in what the Creator has created. There is no need to improve here. He had the intelligence to design it perfect right at the start, the design capability to replicate and maintain it. How can you improve on a flower, a tree, a deer, an elephant, the grass, the rocks? The Creator calls good what He has designed: Genesis 1:21,31. What man designs always is in need of improving.
