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Q u e s t i o n s  O n  T o p i c s  ' W '

What Does Christ Want?

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Why Are We Here?

-Why are we the way we are?

Why Christ Came

-1John 3:5 says that in Him is no sin. Is this us in Him or "in Him", because He's pure?

-1John 3:9 says that if we're born of God we don't commit sin. And verse 8 says if I do I'm of the devil???.What would Christ change when He comes back?

-What is the 'day of the Lord'?

-Why did He (the Son of God) come to set us free?


-Why is it that some meditation gurus tell us to be aware of the breath when doing what's called breathing meditations and is this some kind of preferred technique?

-Thankful to God. For what?
