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O r i g i n a l  W o r d s  N o t e s  X Y Z

-Zion/Sion: In Old Testament Hebrew language, it's 'Zion'; New Testament written in Greek, it's 'Sion'. In Old Testament the word referred to a mountain, Mount Hermon:.Deuteronomy 4:48.

In scripture the word Zion never means the church. It always signifies good things from the good true God on Earth and is specially in connection with Israel, which today is a spiritual Israel all believers can be in, because the ultimate good going out to the nations will be through this spiritual Israel. Anyone can now enter into its spiritual import, because of Christ.

The name Zion is derived from the Hebrew root 'tsahah', meaning 'to be dry'. Zion was one of the eminencies on which Jerusalem was built. It was surrounded on all sides, except the north, by deep valleys, that of the Tyropoeon separating it from Moriah, which it surpasses in height by 105 feet. It was the Southeastern hill of Jerusalem. When David took it from the Jebusites.(Exodus 34:11; Joshua 15:63; 2Samuel 5:7).he built on it a citadel and a palace and Zion became."the city of David":.1Kings 8:1; 1Chronicles 11:5; Isaiah 22:22.

Zion is generally known as the historic land of Israel being a symbol of the Israelite people, which included off and on, those of the tribe of Judah. It's a symbol of God reigning. Mount Zion refers to the government, the kingdom of God ruling on the Earth:.Micah 4:1; Isaiah 2:2; 65:11,17.

Israel and Judah were separate nations back then. 

The words 'Zionism' and 'Zionists' today refer to those concerned with the development and support of the physical state of Israel for their own nefarious purposes. Though called 'Jews', they are not true, because they are not descendants of the tribe of Judah. They are Khazarians.(also spelt Kazarians) of the bloodline of ancient Cain and took the name 'Zion', using it to conceal their real identity as they have done many times in history to remain hidden behind the scenes, while they continue their dirty work, often through others they bribe, brainwash and bamboozle. Why are they evil?

In the later books of the Old Testament this name Zion was sometimes used.to denote Jerusalem in general and sometimes Israel.(who really is Israel today?):.Psalms 51:18

In the New Testament it is used sometimes to denote the Church of God.(Hebrew 12:22).and sometimes the heavenly city:.Revelation 14:1. We'll see what other implications it may have as the 711 found books of the Bible are released.

Zobah = Aram-Zobah, Psalms 60:1, a Syrian.province.or.kingdom to the south of Coele-Syria and extending from the eastern slopes of Lebanon.(map) north and east toward the Euphrates.(map). Saul and David had war with the kings of Zobah:.1Samuel 14:47; 2Samuel 8:3; 10:6.
