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Comprised using Barnes New Testament Notes: The words quoted here are not to be found in the prophecy of Jeremiah. Words similar to these are recorded in Zechariah 11:12,13 and from that place this quotation has been doubtless made.
   Anciently, according to the Jewish writers, Jeremiah was reckoned the first of the prophets and was placed first in the Book of the Prophets. Some have thought that Matthew, quoting this place, quoted the Book of the Prophets under the name of Jeremiah which had the first place in the book. Though the words are those of Zechariah they are quoted correctly as the words of the Book of the Prophets, the first of which was Jeremiah.
   Others have thought that there was a mistake made by ancient transcribers, writing the name Jeremiah instead of Zechariah and it is observed that this might be done by the change of only a single letter in the original language. It was often the custom to abridge words in writing them, thus, instead of writing the name of Jeremiah in full, it would be written in Greek Iriou in Matthew. So Zechariah would be written Zriou. By the mere change of Z into I, therefore, the mistake might easily be made. Probably this is the correct explanation. Others have supposed that the words were spoken by Jeremiah and that Zechariah recorded them and that Matthew quoted them as they were, the words of Jeremiah.

   back to Matthew 27:9
