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B e l i e f  N o t e s
p a g e  7

"At a Eucharist which we held in England for an American lady's schizophrenic son who was institutionalized in America, I learned the power of prayer at a distance, as God draws the dead to Himself. At the side of the church, I observed a small dark figure with round shoulders like a hunchback and at first I thought he was an assistant to the priest. Then I saw a vision of our Lord on the right hand side of the altar looking down on us and saying, 'At last someone is doing something about him'. As our prayers ended, the hunchback seemed to float upwards to join a number of gowned figures who were grouped round the Lord and saying, 'We will look after you'. Over a cup of coffee after the service, I was describing my vision when suddenly the American woman banged the table hard with her fist. 'That is my father' she shouted defensively. 'I prayed for him. He was a little hunchback and he committed suicide. I was not going to tell you.' Four days later this mother had a letter from her son in America. His schizophrenia had disappeared. Today, twelve years later, it has not returned. So much can still happen even when the patient is not present and does not know that he or she is being prayed for."

Dr. McAll states that sometimes prayers are not answered. This is due to a person perhaps not giving himself totally to Christ. Or, a person just will not forgive. Or, a person refuses to make attempts to live a healthy balanced life. Yet, some people he states, are healed in spite of not doing any of these things. God's plan is unique for each individual. We all must closely listen.  Often all we can know is that our prayers will be answered in a loving way. They are never wasted, even though sometimes we can not know how God will eventually work things all out for any particular individual. The individual should pray and study to get as much of God's mind as he possibly can. Continuing on in Dr. McAll's book.Healing The Family Tree, numerous stories which will bring tears to your eyes are told; true stories of healings that have amazed the medical world and other healings which are accepted in quiet thanks to God.

In 1976 Dr. McAll and other ministers traveled to the Bermuda Triangle, an area where hundreds, perhaps thousands of African slaves were thrown overboard as bad weather was encountered and no doubt, for many other reasons too. 

Prior to the time of Dr. McAll's visit and for decades upon decades before, ships and airplanes were disappearing. No one really understood why this was occurring.

The departed spirits, not having had a peaceful passing, were in 'limbo', trying to get the attention of the living, so they could be forgiven, so they could be cleansed and then move on.(even coming back to Earth in a resurrection). One way we can help...

Get the book by Charles Berlitz.The Bermuda Triangle.to see the extent of the disasters that have come about in this area.

Dr. McAll and his associates held a communion ceremony for those departed spirits. Since that date, no more problems such as happened before in this infamous Bermuda Triangle have occurred.

...beginning of the article about Dr. McAll and his work.
