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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x

C r e a t i o n  N o t e s  p a g e  1 4

-Vertebrate:.having a backbone or spinal column; any of a large division of animals having these things.

-Vestiges:.degenerate, atrophied.(wasted away).or rudimentary.(biological.meaning: an incompletely developed organ or part; an organ with no functional activity).organ or part, more fully developed or functional in an earlier stage of development of the individual or species. The appendix and tonsils were stupidly once thought to be a vestige.

-Visual purple:.A purplish pigment.(coloring matter in the cells of plants and animals).in the rods of the retina, bleached to visual yellow by the action of light and considered a factor in transforming light rays into the sensory impulses of vision. Also called rhodopsin.

-Weevils:.Any of numerous beetles, of the superfamily Curculionoidea, especially the snout beetle, that characteristically have a downward curving snout and are destructive to nuts, fruits, stems and roots.
