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Q u e s t i o n s  O n  T o p i c s  ' R '
p a g e  2


-And what might these fruits be? (of how the world has become under ego controlled man)

-How can our life be resurrected from the heartache of our past and the guilt it may have produced in our present?

-How can we be sure that we are going to inherit eternal living?

-How does the process of resurrection work?

-Is it possible that the stone covering the entrance to the tomb where Emmanuel lay dead was moved away by his disciples, so they could remove the body and claim that he was resurrected?

-Was Emmanuel seen after He rose from the dead?


-How do we yield ourselves to be instruments of righteousness, and not be instruments of unrighteousness?

-How does one overcome the influence of what John here calls "the world"?

-How long will we be ruling on the Earth?

-Some scriptures indicate that our reward is in heaven, and others talk of reigning on the Earth?

-What are the things we should overcome to qualify for the highest position we can get in the Kingdom of God?

-What are you good for if you do no good?

-When one has advantage is it used to help, to share, or to oppress, to subjugate, to gain and/or maintain selfish advantage?

-Why be limited to a thirty fold reward, when you can get a hundred?

-Will we be with Christ or the Father in the Kingdom?


-And what about repentance?

-But what if you leave Him and come back later?

-Did God plan for this to happen?

-God knows that Christ is able to get us 'there', but do we?

-How can we have peace in our lives with them them falling to pieces?

-How is one to."submit unto the righteousness of God"?

-Is there really any other way to live than the way to be good?

-So, why ever leave Him?

-What does God come to us with?

-What does it mean to offer the sacrifices of righteousness?

-What does this mean? (redeemed for a price)

-What is the."righteousness of the law".as mentioned in Romans 8:4?

-"What's the use anyway?"

-When one realizes the incredible freedom the truth brings, how can he or she not but be extremely joyful?

-Why did Christianity cause such a tumult in the time of Emmanuel and the early apostles? What was that way, which even later in Paul's time, caused such a stir?

-Why God's grace is important. Who of us ever can consistently do everything right?

-Why is it important to study the Bible in this regard?
