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Sanctification.no questions

Sin No Longer Counts

-1John 3:6.seems to be telling us that if were Christians, born again of God, that we don't sin. I know that's not true, as I love God but still do sin. And verse 9 there scares me.

-Are they being deceived into alienation from God?

-Are we not to confess our sins to God as it says in Romans 10:10 and 1John 1:9

-Are we still are 'in sin' after Christ's nature of love is in us?

-Did Emmanuel die for us or to take away sin?

-Does the first sin after you became a spiritual person of love rescind His sacrifice? Does it stop us from being His workmanship? Does God know we still sin? Does God 'magico presto' eradicate all capability to sin once we accept Him?

-How are we now alive unto Him thanks to the righteousness that has been given us as a gift?

-How are we to strive against sin?

-How can you be alive in or with God if sin still exists in you?

-How can you be less than perfect if you actively believe in Him, having His nature?

-If His death was insufficient, where would the security exist for us?

-If righteousness now counts in us, how can sin?

-If sin doesn't now count, why does Paul say 'not to sin'?

-If sin no longer counts, why did Paul put such an emphasis on the law being holy, just and good, and why does Paul also talk about a spiritual warfare, and striving against sin?

-If there is still sin in my life, does that mean that the devil is working in me?

-It was designed to be that way so we would have both evil and good in life. Why?

-Must mean all sin is gone forever for you and you'll never be judged for it right?

-New Year's resolutions anybody?

-So, are you in the Old or the New Covenant?

-Was His death insufficient?

-What about the mediator?

-What does it mean."sin is not imputed where there is no law"?

-What does it mean that the "old man is crucified with Him"?

-What is the sin that's."not unto death"?

-What is sin?

-What laws might you be using that are holding you in from living fully? Anything making you depressed and discouraged? What is your thinking behind these things?

-Why are we all."concluded".under sin?

-Why just 'in Him' do we have help to be different, meaning better?
