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P r o o f  o f  t h e  B i b l e  T h e o m a t i c s
p a g e  7

This method of comparison is absolutely objective and absolutely irrefutable. There is not a mathematical scientist or probability expert on the face of the Earth, that will disagree with it. Right now, there are 'hundreds' of clearly definable studies in our files, where no one could even come close to matching the results with random values.

The Clustering Phenomena
Furthermore, on top of having to match the results of theomatics with random numbers, the next dilemma the skeptic is going to face is the clustering phenomena.

When theomatics carefully and faithfully records every possible hit that falls within the range of +1, -1 or +2, -2, there will invariably be far more direct hits and +1 -1 hits, than what the laws of chance will allow. Explaining this more simply, within any given cluster there is a 20% chance of a direct hit, a 40% chance of a +1 -1 hit and a 40% chance of a +2 -2 hit.

(20% + 40% + 40% = 100%)

In virtually every major theomatic pattern that has been discovered to date, when all the hits are faithfully recorded, there will almost always be twice as many +1 -1 as +2 -2 hits, plus way more direct hits than the expected results.
   If the numbers were random, this would be like witnessing a mathematical miracle. It would be no different than challenging a person to flip a coin 100 times and get 75 heads and 25 tails, a total impossibility. This clustering phenomena has happened consistently with tens of thousands of theomatic features over the years. It virtually never fails, except in perhaps a few short stretch examples.

The clustering phenomena, by itself, scientifically proves the whole theomatic concept.

What It Proves
The question must now be asked. What does all of this prove? For one thing, it proves that God put theomatics in the Bible.

What it also establishes, is a total dilemma for any skeptic who wishes to discredit and debunk this discovery. In order to do so, he is going to have to take two or three major designs, or at least one and demonstrate convincingly that it is nothing more than the product of random chance. And the only way that can be done, is to match both the feature output with random allocations and also demonstrate that random numbers can produce the same clustering curve.

The truth of the matter, is that no one will be able to even come close to it. In Theomatics and the Scientific Method.(theomatics.com/Theomatics), all 55 references to Emmanuel being the Son, both in the Gospel of John and the epistles of John, were thoroughly tested by computer. No random number could even come close.

And then, out of all 235 features that the computer printed out, the following clustering occurred.

Direct Hits:   55  (23.40% ~ expected result 20%)
    +1, -1:   119  (50.64% ~ expected result 40%)
    +2, -2:     61  (25.96% ~ expected result 40%)

In other testing that we have done, the clustering was far superior to even the above.
