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Q u e s t i o n s  O n  T o p i c s  ' H '
p a g e  2

Holy Spirit

-A personage or a trinity?

-Are Christ and the Father both in us?

-By what means does God communicate with us?

-How can I get more of the Holy Spirit?

-How can the Holy Spirit be grieved?

-How can the Holy Spirit be quenched?

-If the Holy Spirit wasn't given until after Emmanuel was resurrected, why does it talk of the Holy Spirit as being with David and Simeon and Elijah, Elisha, etc.?

-Is Christ the Comforter or is the Holy Spirit the Comforter?

-Is the Holy Spirit the power of the Creator, the Father, or is Christ the power of the Creator?

-Was Emmanuel's father the Holy Ghost?

-What does it mean to be."filled with the Spirit"?

-What does 'sealing' mean?

-What does it mean to be."in the Spirit"?

-Where is the Holy Spirit in us?

-Why did God give us the Holy Spirit?

-Why do at times I feel more 'anointed' or have more of the Holy Spirit than at other times and especially when I fast?


-How do you humble yourself?

-Why the need to be humbled? Why do some get so burned in life?

Humor.no questions
