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Q u e s t i o n s  O n  T o p i c s  ' T '

Trials And Sufferings

-And where do we get patience to handle our trials?

-Are people out to get you like they were David?

-Do we really believe God is in control? Do we trust Him enough with our lives to be totally comfortable with this?

-Does God lie?

-Does this make you angry?

-Having trouble with depression and want to snap out of it?

-How are we to suffer with Him?

-How can this same high consciousness be in all of us and yet we are all different?

-How did Emmanuel suffer for us?

-How do you see your slice of the pie in the sky? Is it being sliced might thin right now?

-If Christ suffered for us, why are we to also suffer for His sake?

-Life makes some people better and others bitter. Is it worth it?

-Life may not be worth living, but what else can you do with it?

-Luke 10:19 says "...nothing shall by any means hurt you", yet Paul and many others who were doing this work of getting the gospel message to others were martyred, and many Christians throughout the centuries since have also been afflicted similarly.

-My life has been awful, even since becoming a Christian. Everything seems to work adversely for me if not at first, later. Romans 8:28 does not seem to work for me. Are not Christians promised super abundance and that their every prayer will be answered?

-Nothing got him down for long! Why?

-People going through various trials and tests now, often wonder why?

-Should we correct others when we see them doing wrong?

-The promises that are in Him must unfold in your experience. But when, right?

-What should we do when afflicted?

-What is your life anyhow?

-What lawlessness? What command are we not keeping very well? And, just how do we "walk in truth"?

-Why did this have to happen to me, many ask? I mean, aren't we serving the Lord? Aren't we His chosen at this time? Good question! Why? Doesn't He hear prayers for relief?

-Why didn't trials seem to excessively bother Paul?

-Why does God allow us to be afflicted and even abased? And what does.Romans 8:17,18.and.1Peter 2:21.mean when it seems to intimate that we are also to suffer as Emmanuel did?

-Why is it some people die after praying for them to be healed?

-Why is it that I've never had the opportunity in life to do the things that are in my heart for good?

-Why you should count it all joy when you're 'goin' through it"?

-Why waste your time with them? (angry people)

-Worried about your state of affairs?
