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...which drown men in destruction.(original means 'ruination of the flesh').and perdition.(original is 'destruction of the soul', the heart, the emotions, the feelings we have). For the love of money.(original is 'being greedy for').is the root of all evil.('root of all evil' is referring to the absence of the qualities which constitute a person of higher consciousness, as compared to the selfish self), which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But you O man of God flee these things and follow after righteousness, Godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto you art also called and have professed a good profession before many witnesses. I give thee charge in the sight of God, who quickens all things and before Christ Emmanuel who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession that thou keep this commandment without spot unrebukeable until the appearing of our Lord Emmanuel the Christ." . |