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We hear the assumption being made by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) or as some have said 'Creation', that the number of deaths from the H1N1 virus is at pandemic levels and now a "national emergency. One would assume that with all of its resources, the New York Times October 26 front page story on the CDC's statistics would be accurate: 20,000 hospitalizations and 1,000 deaths due to the swine flu. However, this is all fiction. And it is a fiction solely based upon the CDC's own contradictory statements and actions. 

The CDC many assume to be a reputable upstanding and honest government department concerned with We The People , but is nothing more than a corrupt sales agency, a seller of vaccines, all of which are harmful in that they suppress normal immune system functioning.

Our independent investigations into the clinical trials and statistical studies of influenza vaccines reveal glaring discrepancies. Let us not forget that it is this same New York Times, with its 'star' reporter Judith Miller, who led America into believing that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction, tried to purchase yellow cake uranium from Niger and had dealings with al-Qaeda. And let us also remember that it is the same CDC and health officials in Washington, including President Ford and his top health advisor F. David Matthews, who pushed through and propagandized an untested vaccine during the 1976 swine flu scare, which resulted in thousands of severely neurologically damaged Americans and about 500 reported deaths. Aside from permanent paralysis, many of these vaccine victims also underwent torturous processes for many years to get the government to recognize their illnesses and help cover their costs. Not only was the CDC's prediction and vaccination campaign for the 1976 flu season a total disaster, it also turned into a deadly scandal, witnessed across the United States on 60 Minutes when Dr. David Sencer, then head of the CDC, confirmed that the vaccine was never field tested, that there were only several reported incidents of H1N1 infection and none of these had been officially confirmed, and then lied about the CDC having no prior evidence that the swine flu vaccine could cause severe and permanent neurological damage. The end result from the 1976 debacle cost the government $3.5 billion in damages, two-thirds were for severe neurological injury and death directly due to the CDC's vaccination campaign. So, you see, it was easier to buy off politicians and get their 'get out of jail' card, so now they can't be have no liability for what happens to you. Clearly an à la Nazi style harming stance.

What is critical is whether or not there is legitimate, sound science to support either position; in this regard, the vaccine manufacturers and our federal health agencies have failed in the past, and continue to fail today. And they fail dismally. There is absolutely no evidence for sound-scientific protocol or anything resembling a gold-standard behind the swine flu infection statistics and vaccine efficacy and safety clinical trials to support Obama’s and his health advisors’ claims. Instead, the reports on hospitalizations and deaths due to the H1N1 virus are grossly distorted. What we are really witnessing is 'official' science and statistics that are little more than propaganda. 

One unfortunate development over the years is the notion that there is such a thing as a 'flu season', another concocted propaganda item. The truth is that we move annually into periods where there are dramatic increases in flu-like causing pathogens, however, the majority of these are unrelated to any strain of influenza so-called virus, another term used from the Pharmaceutical/Medical's bag of deceit. There can between 150 and 200 different infectious pathogens and all called a 'virus' adenovirus, rhinovirus, parainfluenza, the very common coronavirus and, of course, pneumonia—that produces flu-like symptoms and worse. For example, how many people have heard of bocavirus, which is responsible for bronchitis and pneumonia in young children or metapneumovirus, responsible for more than 5 percent of all flu-related illnesses, people are told? This is true during every flu season and this year is no different. Furthermore, all flu vaccinations, including the swine flu, are useless for protecting people from these many prevalent infectious organisms. They know there is no such thing as a virus that does the things to the body they tell you it does. They are patholgical liars because the greatest liar of them all is behind them, constantly out to lie and deceive and therefor they are the same: John 8:44; Revelation 12:9. 

Learn what they won't tell you, about what a virus is and how it came to be called that.

If we take the combined figure of flu and pneumonia deaths for the period of 2001 and add a bit of spin to the figures, we are left believing that 62,034 people died from influenza. The actual figures determined by Peter Doshi, then at Harvard University, are 61,777 died from pneumonia and only 257 from flu. Even more amazing, among those 257 cases only 18 were confirmed positive for influenza. A separate study conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics for the flu periods between 1979 through 2002 revealed the true range of flu deaths were between 257 and 3006, for an average of 1,348 per year. 

The recent CBS Investigative Report, published on October 21, is one example. After the CDC (Center for Disease Control) refused to honor CBS's Freedom of Information request to receive flu infection data for each individual state, the network performed independent outreach to all fifty states to get their statistics. Their report contradicts dramatically the CDC’'s public relations blitz. For example, in California, among the approximate 13,000 flu-like cases, 86 percent tested negative for any flu strain. In Florida, out of 8,853 cases, 83 percent were negative. In Georgia and Alaska, only 2.4 percent and 1 percent respectively tested positive for flu virus among all reported flu-like cases. If the infectious-rate ratios obtained by CBS are accurate, the CDC’s figures are significantly reduced and agree with earlier predictions that the H1N1 virus will be simply an unwelcomed annoyance. So we are in the midst of.an enormous medical hoax, a design and purpose that has yet to unfold completely, that will nevertheless reap huge revenues for the vaccine industrial complex former US President Eisenhower warned us about. Search using DuckDuckGo.com or Quant.com or the Wayback Machine for 'eisenhower 50 years ago warned of military industrial complex' as being a threat to people.

Dr. Tom Jefferson, head of vaccine studies at the prestigious international Cochrane Database Collaboration, after reviewing hundreds of influenza studies and statistical analyses, has said the WHO's and CDC's."performance is not very good". In an ITN News interview last month, Jefferson called the swine flu pandemic a "juggernaut they created".(the WHO, government agencies and vaccine makers) . For the 1992-1993 season, the prediction was off by 84 percent. For the 1994-1995 season, it was off 43 percent for the primary strain and off 87 percent and 76 percent for two other strains. The Laboratory Center for Disease Control’s study comparing vaccine strains with the strains appearing during the 1997-1998 season found the match was off by 84 percent.

"The Swiss newspaper,.Tagesanzeiger.also noted there remains some suspicion that.Novartis' new vaccine may be a repackaging of an earlier 2008 vaccine responsible for killing almost two dozen homeless people during an illegal clinical trial.in Poland. This is the same Novartis whose Fluvirin H1N1 vaccine being distributed in the US relied only on a hasty clinical efficacy and safety trial enrolling only a small number of health adults. 

In July, the CDC announced it would cease testing and counting H1N1 virus infections. Their public reason was simply that they are convinced there is a pandemic and, therefore, accurate monitoring was unnecessary. (Is this real science or what?) On August 30, the CDC declared the states should report influenza and pneumonia-associated hospitalizations and deaths together, not singling out actual cases of H1N1 infection if there happen to be any actually confirmed from a laboratory. This has always been the CDC's policy and the 36,000 figure of annual flu deaths repeated ad nausea on their website and spewed from the media's health pulpits for several years straight, does not distinguish between pneumonia, influenza and other flu like pathogenic deaths. Perhaps it would make very little difference because the current rapid diagnostic tests for the H1N1 virus can range in only 10-50 percent accuracy. (and just how were the tests done on pregnant women to prove their safety)

In Sweden, four vaccine related deaths have been announced and.almost 200 healthcare workers have reported becoming more seriously ill from the vaccination than they might have from a flu infection. In the US, anywhere from 90-99 percent of adverse events go unreported. 

If people would simply shut off the CDC's supported propaganda noise being blasted across the airwaves and newspapers— the spectacle of newscasters being inoculated, interviews with government health officials or private doctors and academics receiving consultation fees from drug makers, and the drivel of the New York Times—and simply do their homework, Americans would wake up and realize the hoax behind the swine flu pandemic. All of the information is before us. Nothing is hidden. All the contradictions and hypocrisies are contained within the massive vaccine industrial complex—including the government health agencies and professional medical associations. The lie is too large for them to not expose themselves if we simply look." ...the complete article.

-The abomination of vaccination:
"I have no doubt whatever that vaccination is an unscientific abomination and should be made a criminal practice." ...G. Bernard Shaw 

From the.Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness in the House's Committee on Government Reform, spearheaded by Rep. Dan Burton (R-Indiana), the 80-page report "Mercury in Medicine: Taking Unnecessary Risks".is a clear indictment charging the CDC, FDA and HHS (Health and Human Services) with scientific bias, prejudiced financial interests with vaccine makers, and administrative incompetence and indecision that puts the health of men women and children at risk. Ignore it, and continue to go along with.the standard inadequately tested approach that allows babies and pregnant moms to be injected with a substance over 100 times more toxic than lead, and worse and just under uranium in toxicity, the most toxic substance on earth. Are you on the side of saving others, or allowing them to become debiliated in the months and years following vaccinations? Your responsibility is to get the message out that helps others!

human guinea pigs

"...The swine flu fright of 2009, is an obvious psychological operation persuading governors and taxpayers to accept deadly vaccines that intelligent sovereigns know are hideously genocidal."....Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH. DNM, DMM.

Comprised from Dr Horowitz's newsletter: The FDA and CDC still encourages childhood vaccinations containing thimerosal mercury, the world's most neurotoxic heavy metal and the second most toxic substance perhaps after uranium and ahead of lead. It is over.one hundred times more toxic than lead and 50 times more toxic than mercury itself,.far exceeding.the Environmental Protection Agency's toxic dose limit for adults!

The medicine/pharmaceutical industry is about as non-scientific as it can get, allowing different vials having differing mercury concentrations evidencing the lack of industry standardization of heavy metal toxic mercury levels, indicating gross criminal negligence rationalized by pseudoscience.

Thimerosal's toxicity is the same as methylmercury and its toxicity increased in the presence of aluminum, which is also added to vaccinations. Thimerasol kills cells by poisoning their mitochondria. It is toxic and especially so to nerves.

From CDC, at about half way down, heading is.Influenza Vaccine."All influenza vaccines contain thimerosal; however, ACIP.(Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices).recommends no changes in the influenza vaccination guidelines, including those for children and pregnant women."

From CDC."From 2 to 4 months old, babies begin their primary course of vaccinations. This is also the peak age for sudden infant death syndrome.(SIDS)...The committee did not find.enough evidence to show vaccines cause SIDS.".What they did find isn't mentioned. And they never mention that SIDS has been solved, at least, from these causes, so if babies are still dying they can tag it with 'SIDS', and bury them out of the way of anyone questioning vaccines as to any cause. The CDC's current stance that it makes no difference whether vaccines with thimerosal are given to pregnant mothers flies in the face of biomolecular reason and the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) own warnings. More, this time on alternative health practices.
...So why can't the CDC and other government agencies reproduce these clinical studies to confirm whether or not there is a clear thimerosal-autism link? Well, the CDC and other research agencies such as the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease (NIAID), simply don't perform gold standard clinical science.

Instead, the CDC relies upon statistical analyses and mathematical algorithms to arrive at their conclusions about vaccines' and thimerosal's safety. Preferring to cower in the back of Plato's cave, concise scientific protocol and biomolecular studies in a laboratory is almost anathema to them. In addition, the kind of studies the vaccine orthodoxy hail as proof to deny a correlation between thimerosal and autism rely upon dreadful research design and ridiculously low numbers of participants. For example, a University of Rochester study comparing children injected with mercury vaccines versus vaccines without mercury only enrolled 40 subjects; yet, this single study remains in the pro-vaccine orthodoxy's arsenal against vaccine skeptics. If autism at the time of the study affected 1 in 150 children, then enrolling 40 children is baseless for achieving any valid data. For this reason, another finding by the Committee states: Committee Finding 2: "To date, studies conducted or funded by the CDC that purportedly dispute any correlation between autism and vaccine injury have been of poor design, under powered, and fatally flawed. The CDC's rush to support and promote such research is reflective of a philosophical conflict in looking fairly at emerging theories and clinical data related to adverse reactions from vaccinations."
...The report continues."Of additional concern has been the CDC's bias against theories regarding vaccine induced autism. Rather than aggressively working to replicate clinical findings with laboratory data that showed a relationship between vaccines and autism... the CDC funded researchers who also worked for vaccine manufacturers..."
..."Independent clinical research exists. There is lots of it from prestigious institutions such as Harvard, John Hopkins, the Cleveland Clinic, Massachusetts General Hospital, the University of California at Irvine, Baylor Medical School, Prof. Boyd Haley at the University of Kentucky, and the dozens of studies by Dr. Mark Geier at the Institute of Chronic Illnesses, all providing evidence for thimerosal's adverse effects in adults and in the developing brain of a child."
..."The most urgent example of medical pharmaceutical genocide (legally termed 'negligent homicide') involves the ongoing attack on natural healing products and practitioners.(example). The ideology of special interest groups representing the pharmaceutical cartel says natural cures and alternative treatments, including silver hydrosols, must be demonized (i.e., libeled) and/or regulated to oblivion. The drug lords have successful done this for nearly a century. Certain natural cures are suppressed, condemned and all need to be controlled according to federal regulators legislatively influenced by drug cartel bribes. Whether you like it or not, or know it or not, you are being targeted for enslavement and premature death through petrochemical-pharmaceutical intoxication."....Dr Len Horowitz.

FDA regulations are advancing to 'harmonize' with Codex Alimentarius legislation targeting all foods and botanicals used nutritionally for standardization and elimination of those herbs that are naturally helpful, such as the coca plant. This globalist effort heavily supports the petrochemical-pharmaceutical cartel. Here is their official website; and, HealthFreedomUSA.org and GlobalHealthFreedom.org sponsors Natural Solutions Foundation exposing Codex Alimentarius for what it really is—a genocidal RICO scam. For Canada's consumer reaction to regulatory genocide.

With a child now receiving 31 and more vaccinations during its first 18 months of life, it would seem that this barbaric practice would have been fully investigated by our health officials to account for the epidemic rise in neurological and behavioral disorders, adult diabetes, teen arthritis and asthmatic conditions in children. Instead, our health officials continue to pump out junk science, for example the recent, seriously flawed NIAID study on H1N1 vaccine safety in pregnant women reported over the major media, which deceived men and women to enroll them in their national vaccination campaigns. And the tragic results of their endorsing of the H1N1 vaccine are beginning to roll in.

The past history of CDC negligence and its reliance upon poorly designed and flawed science indicates there is no reason why any rational man or woman should believe any statistical declaration or medical claim about vaccine safety from government health officials. These are people with severe allergic reactions to real science.
...Studies show that in the presence of aluminum compounds, mercury's toxicity increases dramatically. Vaccines that contain aluminum compounds include the DTaP, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, pneumococcal, anthrax, and the HPV vaccine. Unfortunately, no studies have been funded by government agencies nor have the vaccine makers undertaken efforts to determine adverse neurological effects when multiple vaccines are given together, as is so often the case when small children visit their pediatricians.
And they say,.it's safe, it's safe, it's safe! Believe us, it is safe! We're the medical professionals basing our information on the best medical science. You can certainly look to us. You can have full confidence in us. We have checked it out. Trust us - we are health officials we're doctors, we know! And they are dummer than a bag of hammers, unable to answer even the simplest questions without resorting to evasive circular reasoning, with nothing but some other comrade's opinion to use as their 'proof'. They expect you to swallow their shallow junk science with all the non-intelligence they spue forth to be sopped up by the simpletons as gospel.
   Why is it they say mercury is safe in vaccines and dangerous in fluorescent bulbs and the new energy saving bulbs which are claimed to last longer but usually don't?."Deadly vaccines are promoted allegedly for saving humanity, but appear as creating immunological destruction for widespread depopulation." ...Dr. Len Horowitz.
..."The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology acknowledges that."exposure to mercury in utero and children may cause mild to severe mental retardation and mild to severe motor coordination impairment.".It's bad for you, like fluoride also is.

The Committee stated: "Thimserosal used as a preservative in vaccines is likely related to the autism epidemic. This epidemic in all probability may have been prevented or curtailed had the FDA not been asleep at the switch regarding the lack of safety data regarding injected thimerosal and the sharp rise of infant exposure to his known neurotoxin. Our public health agencies' failure to act is indicative of institutional malfeasance for self-protection and misplaced protectionism of the pharmaceutical industry.

"Under normal circumstances, when a public health measure is advocated or mandated, and it is accepted without question by all Federal health agencies, state and local health departments and promoted by the mainstream media with unquestioning support from the orthodox medical community, then it is assumed that such measures at the very least meet basic scientifically proven criteria.

"When this standard is ignored and denied, as is now being done by our health officials, then the wellbeing of the nation is placed at risk.

"Consequently, we see the concerns regarding the swine flu vaccine focusing upon supply rather than health. For our government health officials at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), vaccines have been baptized safe and, therefore, there is no reason for further debate. In fact, so certain are those in charge of the nation's vaccination programs, even democratic discourse about vaccination controversies has been marginalized and smothered. There is no dissenting opinion published in any major industrial medical journal or magazine, nor found on any of government health websites. 

"We are shocked that the CDC, FDA and HHS, with all of their resources,.refuse to take into consideration the large body of clinical evidence that contradicts their biased vaccine policies. Our review of the scientific literature is at two levels. First, there is a direct relationship between vaccination and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). This evidence, as we shall see, was taken under oath during a three year Congressional investigation, which clearly shows that.Federal health officials were complicit in covering up the associations between vaccines and neurological damage.

"The.pronouncements by the CDC and HHS, promulgated by tabloid medical writers at the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and other media outlets,.are deceptions.based upon medical denialism. We believe it is a crime to inject mercury into the bodies of any pregnant woman and child, while knowing that thimerosal is extremely toxic. The CDC's rush to support and promote such research is reflective of a philosophical conflict in looking fairly at emerging theories and clinical data related to adverse reactions from vaccinations.

"President Obama's HHS Secretary, Dr. Kathleen Sebelius, told the nation "study after study, scientist after scientist, has determined that there really is no safety risk with thimerosal." (1) Glancing at the foot high stack of published clinical studies on the desk, years of independent research identifying certain neurological impairments, such as Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and cellular organ damage resulting from vaccines containing the toxic ethylmercury preservative commonly known as thimerosal,.it is incomprehensible to fathom the depth of scientific denial in Sebelius' statement. Was the Secretary blatantly lying to Americans, especially parents of small children six months and older and pregnant mothers, to convince us to line up for flu shots?

"...a pregnant mother's exposure to thimerosal due to vaccination runs the risk of mercury crossing the placenta and affecting the developing fetus. The CDC's current stance that it makes no difference whether vaccines with thimerosal are given to pregnant mothers flies in the face of biomolecular reason and the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) own warnings. Medical evidence for methylmercury disturbing the neuro-development of an infant in utero has been conclusive for many years. (3)

"The information herein accurately reflects the conclusions from a three year investigation conducted by the Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness in the House's Committee on Government Reform, spearheaded by Rep. Dan Burton (R-Indiana). Published in May 2003, the Committee's 80-page report "Mercury in Medicine: Taking Unnecessary Risks" is a clear indictment.charging the CDC, FDA and HHS with scientific bias, prejudiced financial interests with vaccine makers, and administrative incompetence and indecision that puts Americans' health at risk. (House of Representatives' Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness report, "Mercury in Medicine: Taking Unnecessary Risks" published May 2003)

The Committee's report states."It appears that our Federal regulatory framework (the FDA and its predecessor organizations) failed to require manufacturers to prove thimerosal was safe. They failed to require industry to conduct adequate testing to determine how thimerosal is metabolized. The FDA failed to require that industry conduct studies to determine the maximum safe exposure level of thimerosal.

The FDA also failed to inform the public that a popular heartburn drug was toxic to babies and that a well known pain killer increased heart attack risks by over 40%, or that some antidepressants increased suicidal thoughts and behavior in teens. ...the article

These basic issues should have been proven prior to the introduction of thimerosal into the marketplace, but more than 70 years after its introduction, these issues have still not been adequately addressed... It is clear that the guiding principal for FDA policymakers has been to avoid shaking the public's confidence in the safety of vaccines. For this reason, many FDA officials have stubbornly denied that thimerosal may cause adverse reactions. Given the serious concerns about the safety of thimerosal, the FDA should have acted years earlier to remove this preservative from vaccines and other medications. Although the FDA has repeatedly agreed that mercury is unsafe for over-the-counter medications, one would think that the government could arrive at the simple deduction of an elementary school pupil in agreeing that intramuscular injection of thimerosal would be far more dangerous.

"It is a sorry state of affairs when a Congressional committee is forced to undertake a more thorough, concise review of the scientific literature related to a national health crisis, i.e., thimerosal as a causative factor behind the epidemic scourge of neurological and developmental disorders in America's children, because our Federal health agencies prefer to not upset their clients (or masters) in the pharmaceutical industrial complex. But what is even more disturbing is that after six years since the Committee's report, nothing has fundamentally changed.

"Instead, the CDC, FDA and HHS continue their rogue campaigns to spread unfounded medical propaganda and have done next to nothing, aside from issuing promises and marginalizing opposing medical views, to fund and launch the independent research necessary to determine once and for all vaccine safety in young children, developing fetuses and pregnant mothers. And as we wait for medical sanity to descend upon our government agencies, more and more children are injured from the increasing number of scheduled vaccinations, while the burden of health costs continue to mount on the shoulders of parents with neurologically and physically damaged children.

"Dr. David Baskin, Professor of Neurosurgery at Baylor College of Medicine, told the Committee that brain tissue absorbs mercury five times more than other body tissues. And infants and small children are furthermore five times more sensitive to mercury's toxicological effects compared to adults. Dr. Baskin reported on his own studies at Baylor:

"We have the opportunity to actually grow human frontal cortex cells in cell culture. So these are cells from the front part of the brain... We incubate these cells with thimerosal at various doses... (then) detect cell death and cell damage... (showing a slide) These are the cells committing the suicide program and breaking themselves into tiny little pieces with a very low dose of mercury... Don't forget, we did this in adult brain cells. Remember that infant brain cells are much more sensitive, so there's a real cause for concern."

"The Committee also reports "Upon thorough review of the scientific literature and internal documents from government and industry, the Committee did in fact find evidence that thimerosal posed a risk. The possible risk for harm from either low dose chronic or one time high level (bolus dose) exposure to thimerosal is not 'theoretical' but very real and documented in the medical literature."

Furthermore, the report continues."Of additional concern has been the CDC's bias against theories regarding vaccine induced autism. Rather than aggressively working to replicate clinical findings with laboratory data that showed a relationship between vaccines and autism... the CDC funded researchers who also worked for vaccine manufacturers to conduct population based epidemiological studies to look at the possible correlation between vaccine injury and a subset of the population that might be injured. The CDC to date has relied too heavily on epidemiological findings. While epidemiological studies are important, they are not a substitute for focused, clinical research."

"And independent clinical research exists. There is lots of it from prestigious institutions such as Harvard, Johns Hopkins, the Cleveland Clinic, Massachusetts General Hospital, the University of California at Irvine, Baylor Medical School, Prof. Boyd Haley at the University of Kentucky and the dozens of studies by Dr. Mark Geier at the Institute of Chronic Illnesses, all providing evidence for thimerosal's adverse effects in adults and in the developing brain of a child.
   Dr. Mark Geier at the Institutes of Chronic Illnesses, through a Freedom of Information Act, obtained all the CDC's vaccine injury data in its database that they were hiding from the public. After conducting an independent epidemiological study, based on tens of millions of vaccine doses administered in the US, he confirmed ... data to show thimerosal and the DTaP vaccine as contributing causes behind the country's autism epidemic. 7

The Committee stated."The CDC's decision not to endorse thimerosal free vaccines in 2001 is particularly troubling... Just as disappointing and even more difficult to understand is the fact that the CDC, on two separate occasions, refused to publicly state a preference for thimerosal free vaccines..(why on earth would they want a dangerous vaccine available to be put into humans - yes, why?)

The Committee carries on."It appears that protecting the industry's profits (by the CDC) took precedent over protecting children from mercury damage. Studies show that.in the presence of aluminum compounds mercury's toxicity increases dramatically. Vaccines that contain aluminum compounds include the.DTaP, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, pneumococcal, anthrax.and the.HPV.vaccine. Unfortunately, no studies have been funded by government agencies nor have the vaccine makers undertaken efforts to determine adverse neurological effects when multiple vaccines are given together, as is so often the case when small children visit their pediatricians.

"For many decades, the FDA has known about the neurotoxic effects of thimerosal. A review of internal documents from Eli Lilly, the original inventor of ethylmercury in the 1920s, reveals that only one study has ever been performed to investigate thimerosal's safety in humans and it was "woefully inadequate".

During the actual Committee hearings, Rep. Burton remarked."You mean to tell me since 1929 we've been using thimerosal and the only test you know of is the one that was done in 1929 and every one of those people got meningitis and died?" (5)

"The Obama administration has continued the previous Bush act to provide sanctuary to vaccine makers from lawsuits due to vaccine injury. Our health officials have sunk themselves deeper into dangerously reductive and determinist views about infectious diseases, such as the swine flu, and have strengthened their denial that their entire vaccination program might be leading America's health to further ruin."

...see the complete article from Global Research with the committee's findings providing evidence for the CDC's, FDA's and HHS's ongoing medical denialism about vaccine safety and their laxity in preserving and addressing public health. More on vaccinations.

1 Kathleen Sebelius interviewed by Katie Couric on CBS, July 30, 2009.

2 All statements in quotations, unless noted, are from the House of Representatives' Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness report "Mercury in Medicine: Taking Unnecessary Risks" published May 2003. 

3 Magos L, Brown AW, Sparrow S, Bailey E, Snowden RT, Skipp WR. The comparative toxicology of ethyl.and."The biggest story on the Planet today is the outbreak of a very serious Advanced Biological War virus in Europe. The second biggest story on the Planet is the suppression of this story for almost two weeks by the corporate owned mainstream news media.

"There is a lot we know and a lot that we can only speculate on about what is unfolding in Central Europe. We know that in mid-October, less than a month ago, there was a growing number of cases of what many thought was Swine Flu (A/H1N1) in the western part of the Ukraine. We know that many hundreds if not thousands of people in western Ukraine witnessed low flying light airplanes aerosol spraying something over Ukrainian cities during the days of October 29, 2009 and October 31, 2009. We know that beginning the night of October 29th, massive numbers of people begin to get very sick. We know that the Ukraine government issued a statement denying that it was doing any aerial spraying to combat the growing disease or authorizing any spraying over Ukrainian cities. We know that by October 30th, the Ukrainian authorities closed all schools for three weeks and banned public gatherings.

"We do not know what disease the people were/are coming down with. We do know that doctors are describing the disease as Pneumonic Plague, or as some type of hemorrhagic fever, or as hemorrhagic influenza, or as hemorrhagic pneumonia. We know that the illness, whatever it is, does not appear to be A/H1N1. We do not know if the disease is a recombination of A/H1N1 with other viruses or some totally different virus or if it is in fact a virus. We know that the World Health Organization (WHO) has had several days to sequence the genes of the disease but has failed to release this data.

"We know that WHO (World Health Organizations) has not called for the quarantining of the Ukraine or the shutdown of all global travel to/from the area of infection and that this is the same thing that they did when Mexican Swine Flu (A/H1N1) first broke out and that the failure to contain that virus early on ensured its spread throughout the world.

"We know that the internal temperature of the lungs of those with a terminal case of what many are calling 'Ukrainian Plague' is often from 130F to 135F. We do know that autopsies show that the lungs are filled with blood, and are black in color, and that the lung tissue has turned to mush. We know that patients who first show any signs of illness usually crash in less than 48 hours, sometimes the same day.

"We know that the disease was spreading by about 200,000 per day but that this has slowed to about 100,000 day now, in the Ukraine, as people take extraordinary steps to contain the spread of the disease. We know that well over one and a third million people in the Ukraine are very ill with the disease (according to published official sources) and that over 60,000 are hospitalized in serious to critical condition. We know that the disease has a very high transmission rate with a likely low amount of viral (if it is in fact a virus) material needed to cause an infection. We know that the official reports of deaths are under 300 in the Ukraine. We also know that it is normal for hospital admissions of people with ARI (acute respiratory infection) to have a fatality rate of from 5% to 10%. We know that non-official sources were reporting over 3,000 deaths several days ago and that this number is more in tune with the 5-10% fatality rate than the official figures.

"We do not know what effective treatments are for this illness. We do know that young adults seem to be more in danger of this illness. We suspect that 'cytokine storming' similar to that in the 1918 Spanish Flu, that killed approximately 50 million people, is taking place.

"We know from official Ukrainian Health Ministry reports that the illness does not test out as Mexican Swine Flu (A/H1N1). We do not know if the existing Swine Flu vaccine has any effect, but based on the non-positive response to Swine Flu in testing, we suspect that the vaccine is ineffective as the viral protean shell is different than A/H1N1 (if in fact it is a virus that causes the illness).

"We know that the illness has spread to Poland, where over one quarter of a million people are now very ill. We know that it has spread to Belarus and to Hungary and elsewhere in central Europe. We know that 900,000 people are said to have Swine Flu in Norway but we do not know if this is related to Ukraine Plague in any way.

"We know that on November 8th a South African site (fto.co.za carried the following: "Suspicious aircraft were forced to land. A US operated (Russian made long range heavy transport) AN-124 changed its call sign from civilian to military which then triggered a response from the IAF (Indian Air Force) upon entering Pakistani air space (forcing) the plane to land in Mumbai while (a) second one was forced down by Nigerian fighter jets that also arrested the crew."

"According to reports, China's People's Liberation Army Air Force contacted the Indian and Nigerian intelligence officials about the presence of these US operated Ukrainian aircraft amidst growing concern that the United States was spreading 'biological agents' in the Earth's atmosphere, which some Chinese officials believed to be an attempt to (commit) mass genocide (legally termed 'negligent homicide') via the spread of H1N1 swine flu (which prepares the body for the soon to be released H5N1).

"These aircraft "were carrying 'waste disposal' systems that could spray up to 45,000kg (nearly 100,000 pounds) of aerial type mist from sophisticated....nano pipes" in the planes' wings - called chemtrails.

"We know that Baxter International Pharmaceuticals sent 72 kilos of human influenza H3N2 vaccine materials to 16 labs in European nations which contained live H5N1 Bird Flu viruses. We know that this was only discovered when a Czech lab tested the material on several ferrets (ferrets have a similar respiratory system to humans) and all of the ferrets died in short order (*). We know that Baxter claimed that this was human error. We also know that such a 'human error' is basically impossible with the containment protocols in place at Baxter and any other modern biolabs using Biosafety Level 3 (BLS-3) lab technology.

"We know that over the last three or so years a large number of biological experts, from a number of places all over the world, have died strange deaths and that this has been commented on by various publications in the past.

"We know that the sudden appearance of Mexican Swine Flu (A/H1N1) virtually had to have been a release from a biological warfare lab. We know that A/H1N1 has gene sequences from three different types (American, Asian, and African) of Swine Flu, of Bird Flu, of two different types of human seasonal flu, and of Spanish Flu and that such a recombination is so unlikely in nature as to be virtually impossible. We know that the WHO policies of not requiring a major quarantine of Mexico ensured that A/H1N1 would spread throughout the world.

"We know that the current Swine Flu "Vaccine" is almost totally untested, and that the manufactures are protected from lawsuits for even deliberate acts that result in deaths and that nations acquiring the vaccines are required to sign contracts agreeing not to release negative information on the "vaccine" to the public. We know that published additives to the "vaccine" include highly dangerous-to-human-health substances.

"We know that the corporate owned mainstream news media (with strong links to global banking families) have censored this story in a way that has never happened before. We know that the outbreak of a unknown but deadly and very rapidly spreading disease in Europe is the largest story on Earth but that it is not being reported on."....methylmercury", Archives of Toxicology. (1985) 57:260-267.

4 Haley, Boyd (Professor and Chair, Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky). “The relationship of the toxic effects of mercury to exacerbation of the medical condition classified as Alzheimer's disease.” Presented at Autism One Conference. May 26-29, 2005.

5 Kirby, David. Evidence of Harm. St. Martin's Press, New York, 2005.

6 Kogan MD, Blumberg J, Schieve LA, Boyle CA, Perrin JM, Ghandour RM, Singh GK, Strickland BB, Trevathan E, van Dyck PC. "Prevalence of Parent-Reported Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children in the US, 2007" Pediatrics. Published online October 5, 2009.

7 Geier M, Geier D. "Neurodevelopmental disorders after thimerosal-containing vaccines: A brief communication." Experimental Biology and Medicine. (2003) Vol. 228, n 6, 660-664.

8 McCoy, Roger. "Some See Threat in Ohio's Flu Shot." The Columbus Dispatch. February 17, 2004.

9 Kirby, David. "The Pentagon: A Voice of Reason on Vaccines and Autism?" Wellsphere.com December 4, 2008.

10 Warner, Angela. "Autism in the Military" Age of Autism. July 8, 2008.

11 Kirby. Op cit.

12 Private conversation with Col. Frank Anders, November 2009.

13 James SJ, Slikker W, Melnyk S, New E, Jernigan S. "Thimerosal neurotoxicity is associated with glutathione depletion: protection with glutathione precursors." Neurotoxicity. (2005) Vol. 26, 1-8.

-"A Tale of Two Stories: The European BioWar outbreak and the censoring of it by the mainstream news media.


"Documents surfaced in Federal Court in Melbourne exposing the criminal intent of Merck staffers who admitted they intended to "stop funding to institutions" and "interfere with academic appointments.".These actions are highly illegal. But that's nothing new for this company 1) 2) 3) 4). According to on the record testimony in this Australian trial, one Merck employee said, in referring to the doctors on the hit list."We may need to seek them out and destroy them where they live...".

"At least eight clinical investigators were threatened or intimidated by Merck, the court heard in testimony. This is congruent with the many reports of academic intimidation by Merck that have already been published on NaturalNews.com and other news outlets. The picture of Merck that emerges from these revelations is a company run by thugs who deal with dissent by seeking to destroy the lives and careers of academics who dare to tell the truth about Merck's dangerous drugs. Merck is a company steeped in a culture of criminality. Among its numerous questionable actions, Merck intentionally hid the liver-damaging effects of its cholesterol drug.(*), it intentionally withheld the release of clinical trial data that showed the failures of another cholesterol drug.(*), it has dumped vaccine waste and manufacturing chemicals into the water supply.(*), it set up offshore banking accounts to avoid billions of dollars in U.S. taxes.(*), and it was caught in a massive scheme of scientific fraud when it was revealed that the company used in-house writers to secretly author 'independent' studies that were published in peer reviewed medical journals.(*).
..."And that's just the beginning of the real story on Merck. Read more astonishing news stories about this company here. There's little question that Merck operates from a criminal mentality, resorting to tactics of deception and intimidation to accomplish what it could not achieve through honest means: An increase in sales of its pharmaceutical products."....the article.

Doctors learned why Ukrainians were dying! MIGnews.com.ua

"All victims of the virus in Bukovyna (22 people at the age of 20-40) died not from bilateral pneumonia, as was previously thought, but as a result of viral distress syndrome, i.e the total destruction of the lungs.

"At first the cardio-pulmonary insufficiency comes, and consequently cardiogenic shock is developed, which causes cardiac standstill and death, told the chief of bureau of the Chernivtsi regional forensic examination, doctor of science, Professor Viktor Bachynsky, UNIAN reports.

"During a bilateral pneumonia some morphological picture is observed. As of data of deaths, there is no such morphological picture. The virus, which causes death, is very aggressive, it does not strike the trachea, but immediately gets into the lungs and causes heavy swelling and solid hemorrhage. Mixed types of parainfluenza and influenza A/N1N1 lead to this state. This is a very toxic strain, which has not yet answered to the treatment of the Ministry of Health", said Viktor Bachinsky.

"According to him, there is a need to change the treatment standards, because those which were used earlier, resulted in nothing – doctors failed to save all people infected with the virus in the reanimation. The belt ventilators did not help also.

"For this reason a group of professors of Chernivtsi Medical University appealed to the Ministry of Health and National Security and Defense Council with a demand to review the standards of treatment of patients in Bukovyna. Scientists-morphologists sent to Kyiv reports, studies and analysis of critically ill patients and people who died of virus.

"Viktor Bachinsky noted that the virus is extremely toxic, it is able to penetrate not only through respiratory apparatus but also through the eyes. Chernovtsy scientists recommend in any case use masks and even wear protective spectacles. An important condition to prevent deterioration of the situation is also the observance of quarantine regime.

"Ministry of Health does not consider it is necessary to publish data on the number of confirmed cases of influenza pandemic in the laboratory. "Ukraine is in the A/N1N1 influenza pandemic, and now it does not matter how many of these cases will be detected, we should treat everybody equally," - said Deputy Minister of Health Vasyl Lazoryshynets at a briefing on Friday.

"Vasyl Lazoryshynets also reminded that in Ukraine since the beginning of the epidemic 1,25 mn people became ill with pandemic influenza, influenza and acute respiratory diseases, including 61,000 people - over the past day, which is by 8,500 less than the previous day. 65,615 people are treated in hospital, including 392 - in the reanimation, 60 have artificial pulmonary ventilation.

"Since the beginning of the epidemic in Ukraine 239 people died, including 26 people during the last day, most of them are in the Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Lviv and Ternopil Regions. He also said that according to the laboratory data, 14 people died of pandemic influenza, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

"To date, swine flu in Ukraine is dominant, but not the only strain, said the head of mission of the World Health Organization in Ukraine Yukka Pukkila.

"Yukka Pukkila said that the strain of pandemic virus is detected in 22 cases of 34 samples sent to the control laboratory, which collaborates with WHO in London.

"At the same time, Yukka Pukkila stressed that, besides Californian flu in Ukraine there is a large number of varieties of acute respiratory viral diseases and many other viruses that infect the respiratory system, reports Liga.

"The genocide is now being fast tracked, as promised by the murderous cabal controlling the world

"Also if you missed my show yesterday with Elizabeth Wallace, grandmother Christian (who was murdered by his pediatrician with 6 vacs when he was already sick), you can hear the archive, for free and without commercials, at http://thelightofdayradioshow.com/archives/RBN-BACKUP/commercialFree.html
(scroll down to 11/14/09 show). Important for anyone you know who still beLIEves that vaccines promote health."....From Dr. Rebecca Carley's newsletter (www.drcarley.com)

-From Dr Len Horowitz:."One such threat, a possible H1N1 hemorrhagic pneumonia recombinant, has emerged in the Ukraine, where the Chernobyl disaster occurred. The NATO superpower has fully engaged biological and chemical weapons research and development. This country was predicted to host a biological weapons release associated with H1N1 vaccines courtesy of the Baxter Corp around the time this outbreak occurred. Joseph Moshe, an Israeli Mossad agent, made this prediction on August 11, 2009 and his persecution and arrest made the national news. Moshe attempted to warn US federal investigators and law enforcers about Baxter releasing a bioweapon as they had earlier this year 'accidentally'.shipping H5N1-contaminated seasonal flu vaccines to labs across Europe. Baxter previously shipped AIDS around the world in their HIV-contaminated blood product, heparin. This H1N1 vaccine supplier is among the least trustworthy companies in the world. Their adjuvanted vaccines are currently banned in the United States due to US Congressional condemnation, but favored by European nations. So much for consistency in vaccine science!"....Dr Len Horowitz

-Suzanne Somers story: You'll remember her. The cute blonde on the Three's a Company TV series. It was hilarious!
   She has written a book entitled Knockout. It's about her experience with 6 cancer specialists, called oncologists, and 3 infectious disease specialists. It shows clearly why you can't trust them. It appears they are not at all out for your best health and looks like they are out only to line their own pockets, and cover their mistakes with plausible deniability if ever a court case.

What they told her is the same approach they used with a female friend of mine twice; lies proved so by other doctors who did have her best health at heart. And this happened twice and with advice that had she followed it would have destroyed her life for profit to them. Hear the audio interview and see the article.

Look into the options that are offered in her book Knockout. Look into Dr. Burzynski out of Houston? Look into Dr. Gonzalez in New York or Dr. Forsythe out of Nevada for different protocols that don't require harsh chemicals or degrading the body.

"Public confidence in medicine is at an all time low following the medically assisted demise of our parents, friends and siblings..The leading cause of death today is drug induced illnesses and these shocking statistics omit all vaccine injuries.since officials criminally neglect surveying and reporting the sick and dying who's only mistake was their misplaced faith in medical deities."....Dr Len Horowitz.
   Doctors should be using their knowledge to teach people to heal themselves.

