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Q u e s t i o n s  O n  T o p i c s  ' P '
p a g e  1


-Paul sounds weird! Why was he so enthusiastic to be partaker of Emmanuel's sufferings?

-Paul had such faith that he would be kept whole right up to the time he would be in the kingdom of God, yet he was beheaded by Nero:.2Timothy 4:17,18.

-What did Paul say about the Mosaic Law?


-And what was the sword He brought?

-And why did He have to take away sin anyway?

-Are we to sacrifice today as in the Old Testament?

-Has the world always had a less than peaceful lifestyle for its inhabitants here and there? Is it now getting worse?

-How else could love be received once you show it? How else would compassion toward others be needed? And how else would gifts be appreciated? Without need, where is the impetus for action?

-If God gave you peace in your life so that you were completely and constantly content, what need would you have to seek and pursue God once He opened your mind to Him?

-Need much more peace in your life?

-Now did He just take away sins that came before Him?

-So how should we view all this?

-What did Emmanuel do that was cause for the Father loving Him?

-What did Emmanuel mean when He said that about peace and bringing a sword?

-What good is a battery with only one polarity?

-What is a way that could be used, if for example, you have to be around a person who hates you, or perhaps, a particularly obnoxious person who may be bothering you, causing you to fret, a person you have a hard time liking, an obstreperous coworker, etc.?

-Why did He have to die for sin?

-Who else is going to treat them that way?

-Would you forsake all as described above if Emmanuel was right there talking to you?


-But we are to have works as the next verse shows. Why?

-How can we know this for sure Christ is in him?

-If Emmanuel was already perfect, why does it say that God had to make Him perfect through sufferings?

-If we are perfect, why does Paul call himself imperfect?

-Why does God call us perfect, when we know (and so do our friends and family, right!) that we're far from being perfect most of the time?

-What does it mean to be "perfect"? What does it mean to be imperfect?
