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antipode.noun,.plural.antipodes.pronounced 'an tah pode'
any two places or regions that are on diametrically.opposite sides of the Earth; something that is the exact opposite or contrary of another; an antipode
antipodean.adjective.pronounced 'an tip o dee in'

a clear jelly typically made of stock and gelatin and used as a glaze or garnish or to make a mold of meat, fish or vegetables

assassinate, assassinated, assassinating, assassinates.transitive verbs
to murder by surprise attack; to destroy or injure.treacherously (assassinate a rival's character as was done to Bruno Gröning, a great healer in the 1950's and also to assassinate the physical person, such as was done to the good Julius Caesar in 44 A.D.)

partial or total loss of memory, usually resulting from shock, psychological.disturbance, brain injury or illness

a spoken or written reply, as to a question; when you answer someone who has asked you something, you say something back to them; a solution, as to a problem (studying the manual she discoverd an answer to her design issue)
answer, answered, answering, answers.verbs
intransitive verb use.to speak, write or act as a return, as to a question (he wanted to know what she was really like and learned from her friends that her behavior.was much the same); to be liable or accountable (you must answer for your actions); to correspond; match (they found a dog answering to that description)
transitive verb use.to speak, write or act as a return to; respond to
subject to being called to answer; accountable; responsible; that can be answered or refuted

ask, asked, asking, asks.verbs
transitive verb use.to put a question to; to seek.an.answer to (ask a question); to seek information about (asked for directions); to make a request of or for (asked me for help building his garage; asking a favor; asked ten dollars for the book; to expect or demand (asking too much from a person); to invite (asked them to dinner)
intransitive verb use.to make inquiry; seek information; to make a request (asked for help)
ask for it.or.ask for trouble.idiom
to persist in an action.despite the likelihood that it will result in difficulty or punishment

abut, abutted, abutting, abuts.verbs
intransitive verb use.to touch at one end or side; lie adjacent
transitive verb use.to border upon; be next to

the art, sport or skill of shooting with a bow and arrow; the equipment of an archer; a group of archers
one that shoots with a bow and arrow

a person or an animal lacking normal pigmentation, with the result being that the skin and hair are abnormally white or milky and the eyes have a pink or blue iris and a deep-red pupil; a plant that lacks chlorophyll

in architecture, some building's central rectangular.court.area, usually skylighted and often containing plants; the open area in the center of an ancient Roman house; the forecourt of a building, such as an early Christian church, enclosed on three or four sides with porticos; in anatomy, a bodily cavity or chamber, especially.either of the upper chambers of the heart that receives blood from the veins and forces it into a ventricle, in this sense, also called auricle

in anatomy, the outer projecting portion of the ear, also called  pinna; see atrium; in biology, an earlobe-shaped part, process or appendage, especially at the base of an organ

in anatomy, the main trunk of the systemic.arteries, carrying blood from the left side of the heart to the arteries of all limbs and organs except the lungs

a musical solo vocal piece with instrumental accompaniment, as in an opera

abscond, absconded, absconding, absconds.intransitive verbs
to leave quickly and secretly and hide oneself for some reason; run off; if someone absconds with something, they leave and take it with them, although it does not belong to them

in or into a high place; high or higher up; something that is aloft is in the air or off the ground (he held the trophy proudly aloft)
on or above (birds perching aloft telephone wires)

alight, alighted.or.alit, alighting, alights.intransitive verbs
to come down and settle, as after flight (a sparrow alighting on a branch); to set down, as from a vehicle; dismount (the queen alighted from the carriage); to come as if by chance (alighted on a happy solution); to relieve of a burden (he felt alighted that the child was now born)

burning; lighted; if something is alight, it is burning (several buildings were set alight by the forest fire; the discarded match was still alight); illuminated (the sky was alight with billions of stars); if someone's eyes are alight or if their face is alight, the expression in their eyes or on their face shows that they are feeling a strong emotion such as excitement or happiness (she was all alight with joy over the birth of her child)

of, relating.to Aeolis or its people or culture
one of a Hellenic people of central Greece that occupied Aeolis and Lesbos around B.C.E. 1100
relating to, caused by or carried by the wind
an ancient.region of the western coast of Asia Minor in present day Turkey, made up of a group of cities founded by the Aeolians B.C.E. 1100

of, relating.to.or near the anus