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Q u e s t i o n s  A b o u t  G o d  L i s t
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-Who is with the Creator in the invisible world?

-Who/what is God?

-Who/what made God?

-Why are there problems in the first place?

-Why can't we see Him now?

-Why did God allow such slaughters of people in the Old Testament, in recent history and even today?

-Why did God create evil?

-Why did God create humanity?

-Why did God create the multiverse so big?

-Why did God forsake Emmanuel at this time?

-Why did God make us?

-Why did God make us with the shapes we have?

-Why did this Infinite One write the Bible?

-Why did one of the God Family.(Christ).become man?

-Why didn't God make us perfect as He did the angels?

-Why do you need Bruno if you can go directly to God yourself?

-Why does God allow things to get worse in the lives of humans?

-Why does Soul connection matter?

-Why doesn't God give us a better heart, meaning a better attitude. If He did that for ancient Saul, why isn't He doing it for all humanity? It would make it a better world. God also created the angels perfect; what happened?

-Why does the Creator seem here to show such favoritism, when it also says in the Bible that He is no respecter of persons?

-Why doesn't God show His love more for us?

-Why doesn't God straighten things out here on Earth?

-Why God got rid of sin.

-Why was the Creator as described in the Old Testament appearing so different as compared to the New Testament?

-Why is the Creator called the Father?

-Why is Emmanuel called the Lamb of God?

-Why would Creator-God, being good, do such a thing as this; deceiving in order to destroy these type of humans?

-Will God remake the Earth again like he did in Genesis?

-Will we ever see God face to face?

-Will we see Christ come back to Earth from Heaven?

-Would it make sense that a loving Creator would withhold that which would keep one well until one prays for it?
