it mean to."shake
off the dust under your feet as a testimony against them"?
It is an idiom
common to the time back then and used as an expression similar as we may
say today, when say a group you may be a part of believes in little green
men from Mars and goes door to door to convince others about it and people
think you are nuts, but to you it is correct. Today, after having someone
close the door on you, you would probably say to each other something like
'just forget it', that is to say 'we'll get over the insult, just decide
to put it behind you and shake off the dust on your sandals'; also like
saying 'washing your hands of it', meaning it's no longer my responsibility,
I've done all I can to convince others:.Hosea
4:17 "Ephraim is joined to idols. Leave him alone."
this scripture.(and
others like it).mean
that Emmanuel qualified to be our Savior by the work or works that He did?
The day was His
resurrection and this has great import.(Hebrews
then a most amazing scripture.(Hebrews
2:11), a Scripture
that says that we are equal with Him in the Father's regard.
And more amazing Scriptures:.Acts
2:7 is regarded by the
Jews as a prophecy
of the
To encourage us even more,
God inspired this Scripture:.2Timothy
13:8 What's this mean that knowledge will cease?
The knowledge we have today
involves psychology/psychiatry, technology such as cell phones, airplanes,
vehicles, house building, drugs for illnesses, poisonous vaccines, dangerous
food production methods, legal means to keep people as slaves and so on.
None of the knowledge of
the human realm
is necessary once one's physical body is gone. He is then of a different
realm, different frequencies.
All in the universe is frequencies;
humans being a slowed down form of the invisible energy that we call spirit,
the energy that expresses as the physical world we know. Once one is totally
spirit there never is a need or lack. It's a whole different living:.1Corinthians
2:9; 13:10. We are
here to move into that realm:.Luke