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Q u e s t i o n s  O n  T o p i c s  ' R '
p a g e  1


(includes: When to rate? includes: Rating with 32 points of consideration)


-Are many partners ok? After all David.(2Samuel 5:13) and many other Old Testament characters like Jacob, had wives.(wives had more rights) and concubines.(concubines had few, if any rights; but poorer women back then were often at least well looked after)?.And Abraham had sex with his wife's maid?

-Do you possess an unselfish desire to satisfy the other?

-Does the grace of God come because one is willing to keep the commandments?

-Hebrews 13:4 says God will judge whoremongers. I checked and in the original the word's root is the same as for fornication and means lewdness.

-How are we kept by God in His service?

-I am in a marriage by nothing more than name alone, but wondered if I should divorce after reading Romans 7:2?

-I am in a spiritual/non-spiritual relationship, having become spiritual after marrying this man. That is my situation. Is there hope for a good relationship?

-If an unbeliever is pleased to dwell with you, then you should stay together. Why?

-If one is married (committed) strictly to Christ, can they have a sexual relationship with another?

-In Christ are we not free from all other spiritual relationships?

-Is man 'the boss' according to the Bible?

-Sex Before Marriage?

-Should we marry again?

-Venereal disease and aids are scourges of the day aren't they?

-What about those couples together for 50 years of more? What is their secret?

-What causes one to become a pedophile?

-What does."as it is fit in the Lord".mean?

-What does your heart tell you?

-What if another spiritual person defrauds you?

-What if one is lonely and in need of fellowship, care, consideration and concern?

-What if someone is unnecessarily troubling you?

-Why did the Father forsake Emmanuel at this time?

-Why God doesn't want clones.

