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NT and OT Questions

Q u e s t i o n s  O n  O l d  T e s t a m e n t  B o o k s

T h e  M i n o r  P r o p h e t s .(*)

Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah
 Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah,
  Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi

D a n i e l

-Daniel 4:17 If God sets up the humblest of men as it says in Daniel 4:17 in the original, why do we have Mussolini styled, egotistical, arrogant and tyrannical leaders?

Who are."the watchers".referred to in this verse?

-Daniel 7:9,13,22 Who is this referred to as the."Ancient of Days"?

-Daniel 7:23.What is this fourth beast Daniel is talking of here? And what are the ten kings talked of in verse 24?

-Daniel 12:2.Does this scripture have anything to do with hell?

H o s e a
no questions

J o e l
no questions

A m o s

-Amos 4:4.Why would Amos tell these people to sin?

-Amos 5:18.What is the 'day of the Lord'?

-Amos 5:21.Why does God say He despises the feast/festival days that He even wanted these ancient people to keep?

O b a d i a h
no questions

J o n a h

-Jonah 2:9.What is salvation?

M i c a h
no questions

N a h u m
no questions

H a b a k k u k

-Habakkuk 1:13 If God can't even look on evil and can't behold evil, how can He, as you say in your 'God In Control' subject, be responsible; as He would have had to think about it, wouldn't He, if He was responsible for evil?

-Habakkuk 3:13.What does."discovering the foundation unto the neck".mean here?

Z e p h a n i a h
no questions

H a g g a i
no questions

Z e c h a r i a h

-Zechariah 4:3.What does."as when He fought in the day of battle".refer to? What day of battle would this have been that Christ was in?

-Zechariah 4:6.What does."Lord of hosts" mean?

-Zechariah 8:14.Does God love me?

M a l a c h i

-Malachi 2:12.What does the scripture here mean when it says that God will cut off those who make an offering?

-Malachi 3:6.Does God change? I see many changes in the Bible, yet it says God doesn't change?

-Malachi 4:5.When is this."great and terrible.time?
