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S i n  N o  L o n g e r  C o u n t s  N o t e s
p a g e  3

The ancient Mosaic Law only had one purpose in the first place; to show man that in God's eyes he was unacceptable as he was, that he needed to be different, that something else was necessary.

The law could not change the heart:.Romans 7:17-24; Deuteronomy 5:29; Hebrews 8:10; 10:16. So, it was no good for that. But, in this sense it was good:.Galatians 3:24,25

The things of Christ have to do with the mind, the heart, the spirit:.Romans 7:25. As far as the flesh is concerned it is finished thanks to Christ and now considered dead as God views things.(Colossians 3:3), even though we have problems with it as we just read in Romans 7:17-24. 

But not to worry if you are a believer.(Romans 8:1).as, in Christ.(meaning, believing in Him, which is knowing you are in Christ:.John 17:25,26; 1John 4:6;), you are free from hindering God's blessings upon you by your still existent faults:.Romans 8:2. This was even true of some in the Old Testament who were believers. 

Romans 8:3 says it took something greater than the law to condemn.(original for 'condemn' is 'put down from' or 'finish with').sin.
   Note, taht it was sin that was condemned. In Christ the believer is now alive, though he may still be a sinner:.Romans 6:11; 1John 1:8; 3:5.

Now, the righteousness of the law is fulfilled in you that believe or in other words, you are now as righteous as if you were keeping it all perfectly, because you believe in Emmanuel with all you comprehend this to mean:.Romans 8:4. And if His nature is in you, you will be loving to others, the highest form of fulfilling any law with spiritual intent:.Romans 13:8,10

Romans 8:5-9 talks about trying to regulate oneself with law, now that you are a spiritual being in Christ, as "being after the flesh" and "carnally minded". Verse 7 tells us why the law just did not work. 

In Romans 8:10 Paul says that you cannot be alive to sin.(thinking that you are still a sinner and reacting accordingly, as explained earlier).and alive to the spiritual nature of love, the Holy Spirit

Paul in Romans 8:12 asks the question as to just why do we place ourselves in debt to our flesh, that debt being a need for repentance.(means to change).from fleshly faults and 'rooting sin out' through prayer, Bible study, etc., when we should be moving on to perfection:.Hebrews 6:1

Romans 8:13 says if you are doing the religious things you have heard you need to do to be righteous, you are still in death; but if you are in the Spirit, then the deeds of the body are automatically deceased. So focus not on your sins, but on Him within because it is by the Spirit that we are children of God.(1John 3:2,3).and heirs of His Kingdom:.Romans 8:14-17

We then have the Spirit of God, the holy nature of love, the invisible but real, divine essence in us.(Romans 8:23).which enables us to grow to be like Him in love's expression as He would be:.1Peter 2:21: 2Peter 3:18.

One does not present himself acceptable unto God unless he knows he is righteous:.Romans 12:1. If he knows he is still a sinner he has separated himself from God:.John 9:31; Romans 7:5; Hebrews 7:26.

If he or she is working to get righteous, he or she is obviouslyproceeding from a mind active in thinking they are not yet ok and so, being thus, they will always be burdened with faults and errors focused upon andneeding correction. One's own efforts to correct himself fall short. How often do many trying to be their own righteousness 'fall off the wagon' again and again. Here, the mind becomes attached to works to get better, to keep trying to become righteous and then work some more to be even more righteous, with hopefully one day arriving at a place acceptable to God:.Romans 7:4,6.

Why would anyone still think that he is a sinner when Christ took sin away and gave us this gift of His righteousness.(Romans 5:17), unless he still believed in a law which told him that he was a sinner or was told by some minister somewhere that this is what he should believe. 

Romans 12:3 says 'not to think regarding yourself other than from the point of view of God's faith in you'. That's what brings a change of heart, taking one into the higher consciousness of the Creator. Also Philippians 2:5,6.

But, people seem to like being religious and having a measureing stick as to how they stack up with others so their works 'for God' can be noticed. They have their reward:.Matthew 6:1-6.
