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Botany:.a swollen, fleshy, usually underground stem, such as the potato, bearing buds from which new plant shoots arise
Biology:.a rounded projection or swelling; a tubercle
a small, rounded prominence or process, such as an excrescence that looks like a wart on the roots of some leguminous plants or a knoblike process in the skin or on a bone

a dark, oily, viscous.material, consisting.mainly of hydrocarbons, produced by the destructive.distillation of organic.substances such as wood, coal or peat; coal tar
tar, tarred, tarring, tars.transitive verbs
to coat with or as if with tar

toss, tossed, tossing, tosses.verbs
transitive verb use.to throw lightly or casually or with a sudden.slight.jerk (tossed the letter in the wastebasket; to throw, fling or heave.continuously.about; pitchto and fro (boats that were tossed by the storm); to mix a salad; to discuss.informally; bandy (tossed the idea around); to move or lift the head with a sudden motion (she tossed up her head, moving it also from side to side to swish the hair for attention); to flip coins in order to.decide something, such as, who will go first
intransitive verb use.to be moved here and there; be flung.to and fro; to move about restlessly; twist and turn (toss around in one's sleep); to flip a coin to decide
the act of tossing or the condition of being tossed; the distance that something is or can be tossed (that's about a 30 foot toss of the ball); an abrupt upward movement, as of the head; a flipping of a coin to decide something (the home team won the toss and elected to kick off)

throw, threw, thrown, throwing, throws.verbs
transitive verb use.to propel through the air with a motion of the hand or arm; to discharge into the air by any means (a machine that throws tennis balls; ash that was thrown by an erupting volcano; an attitude of some people now caring for others is to 'throw them under the bus'); to hurl or fling with great force or speed (threw themselves on the food; jetsam that had been thrown up onto the shore; to hurl to the ground or floor (the horse threw its rider); to cause confusion or perplexity in; disconcert (we didn't let our worries throw us)
transitive verb use.to cast, fling or hurl something (they 'threw her under the bus')
'throw under the bus' is to get rid of someone you don't want around by using any devious means possible
the act or an instance of throwing; the distance to which something is or can be thrown (a stone's throw away); a roll or cast of dice; the combination of numbers so obtained (how did the numbers come up?); the radius of a circle described by a crank, cam or similar.machine.part); the maximum.displacement of a machine part moved by another part, such as a crank or cam

as they say, also,.they say, also,.as we say.adverbs
in a manner of speaking; so to speak; it is rumored (the feeling is, as they say, still burning brightly) 
used to refer to the ones previously mentioned or implied; used to refer to people in general (being construction workers, they start early in the morning)
the possessive form of the word 'they', used as a modifier before a noun, such as in 'their accomplishments'; 'their home town';
the objective of the word 'they', used as the direct object of a verb, such as in the sentence 'We saw them at the conference'; used as the indirect object of a verb such as in the sentence 'We gave them a round of applause'; also used as the object of a preposition as in 'This letter is addressed to them'
they had; they would
they will; they shall
they are
they have

at or in that place (sit over there if you want to); to, into or toward that place (she wouldn't go there again, the food wasn't fresh); at that stage, moment or point (better stop right there, you're too close to the edge)
there had; there would; date 1691
there will; there shall; date 1616
there is; there has; date 1580
used to introduce a clause or sentence (there are numerous.items on display; there must be another washroom); used to indicate an unspecified individual in direct.address (hello there)
used as an intensive (the policeman there ought to know the directions to city hall)
that place or point (stopped for awhile, then went on from there) there.interjection
used to express.feelings such as relief, satisfaction, sympathy or anger (there, that's done, now I can sit down while it bakes)

conversion of one substance into another; a thought to be hocus pocus.doctrine of some religions, as the great apostle Paul shows (1Corinthians 11:26) about the bread and wine of what's called the Eucharist being transformed into the body and blood of Emmanuel, when it was just to be a reminder to the disciples of the time of Emmanuel's death; religious people must figure that even though the appearance of the bread and wine don't change, 'somehow' the invisible Christ goes into the bread and wine and those accepting this doctrine eat and drink, believing they are 'taking some god' inside an individual, but not realizing the true God is already there:.1John 4:15; the bread, according to this erroneous doctrine, symbolizes the body of Christ when Emmmanuel was in the physical and the wine being the blood, means it was shed because of the Roman cruelty to Emmanuel:.Isaiah 52:14; why does one need a symbol when the real thing is available? It's a step down.sleight of hand by the biggest evil duper of all time:.Revelation 12:9.

a tapeworm is a long, flat parasite which lives in the stomach and intestines of animals or people

Theodore Roethke, 1908-1963
American poet whose short, lyrical works, often imbued with floral images, were published in The Waking, 1953 and other collections 

twine, twined, twining, twines.verbs
transitive verb use.to twist together threads, for example; intertwine; to form by twisting, intertwining or interlacing; to encircle or coil.about (the fence post was twined by vines); to wind, coil or wrap around something (she was slowly twining a wisp of her hair)
intransitive verb use.to become twisted, interlaced or interwoven; to go in a winding course; twist about (a stream twining through the forest)
a strong string or cord made of two or more threads twisted together; something formed by twining (a twine of bread dough); a tangle; a knot

table d'hôte.noun,.plural.tables d'hôte
a meal served to all guests at a stated hour and fixed price; a complete meal of several.courses offered at a fixed price, often at a communal table for all the guests at a hotel or restaurant; a full-course meal offering a limited number of choices and served at a fixed price in a restaurant or hotel

one qualified to teach another usually out of a school environment and privately in the home of the one being.taught; one that gives additional, special or remedial instruction
tutor, tutored, tutoring, tutors.verbs
transitive verb use.to act as a tutor to; instruct or teach privately; to have the guardianship, tutelage or care of
intransitive verb use.to function as a tutor; to be instructed by a tutor; study under a tutor's guidance
the capacity or activity of a guardian; guardianship; the capacity or activity of a tutor; instruction or teaching; the state of being under the direction of a guardian or tutor

a toboggan is a light wooden long, narrow sled with a curved front, used for traveling down hills on snow or ice (the kids love tobogganing in the winter time);
toboggan, tobogganed, tobogganing, toboggans.intransitive verbs
to coast, ride or travel on a toboggan