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one in charge of a gate or door; from Middle English and Anglo-Norman and from Late Latin 'portarius' which is from Latin 'porta' meaning 'gate'

one employed to carry burdens, especially an attendant at a hotel or transportation station who carries baggage for travelers; a railroad employee who waits on passengers in a sleeping car or parlor car; a maintenance worker for a building; from Middle English 'portour', which is from Anglo-Norman and from Late Latin 'portator', from Latin 'portare' meaning 'to carry'

a dark beer called porter's ale, resembling light stout, made from malt browned or charred by drying at a high temperature

your pancreas is an organ in your body that is situated behind your stomach, secreting pancreatic juice and producing insulin, glucagon and somatostatin and other substances that help your body digest food; it secretes the pancreatic juice into the duodenum and insulin, glucagon, somatostatin and other substances into the bloodstream; from the Greek 'pankreas', 'pan' means 'all' and 'kreas' means 'flesh'

a small room or closet, usually off a kitchen, where food, tableware, linens and similar.items are stored; from MMiddle English 'pantrie' from Old French 'paneterie' meaning a bread closet

plutonium.proper noun
symbol Pu; a naturally radioactive, silvery, metallic transuranic element, occurring in uranium.ores and produced artificially by neutron.bombardment by uranium. Its longest lived isotope is Pu 244 with a half-life of 76 million years. It is a radiological poison, specifically absorbed by marrow in our bones (very dangerous) and is used, especially the highly fissionable isotope Pu 239, as a reactor fuel and in nuclear weapons. Atomic number 94; melting point 640°C; boiling point 3,235°C; specific gravity 19.84; valence 3, 4, 5, 6; plutonium is named from the fact that it follows neptunium in the periodic table and is named after Pluto, one time a planet, but not any longer; why?

a nearly level area at the bottom of an undrained desert basin, sometimes temporarily covered with water

piss off.phrasal verb
if someone or something pisses you off, they annoy you; if you tell someone to piss off, you're telling them to go away
pissed off.adjective
piss someone off.transitive verb
annoy someone
to fritter away; squander (it took him only two years to piss away his lottery winnings and only another year to lose an inheritance he received)

increased by the addition of (two plus two is four); added to; along with (their strength plus their spirit makes them formidable); intelligence plus wit makes for an interesting individual
positive; of a plus value (a temperature of plus eighty five degrees); added or extra (a plus benefit to our vacation was we got to visit relatives); increased to a further degree or number (the twenty thousand dollars we had for vacation was increased by the lack of expenses we planned for that we would need but never used)
the plus sign (+); a positive quantity; a favorable.condition or factor (the clear weather was a plus for the vacation)

any of a group of nonallelic (not like the others) genes, each having a small quantitative effect, that together produce a wide range of phenotypic.variation; also called multiple factor and quantitative gene; etymology is New and Modern Latin, circa 1882
of, relating.to.or.determined by polygenes (polygenic inheritance)
development from more than one source
polygenesis.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)
origin from more than one ancestral.species or line; derivation of a species or type from more than one ancestor; origination from a number of independent sources or places

belonging to childhood; juvenile; young; immature

a fold in cloth made by doubling the material upon itself and then pressing or stitching it into place
pleat, pleated, pleating, pleats.transitive verbs
to press or arrange in pleats (pleat a skirt; pleat curtains)

Augusto Pinochet, born November 25, 1915, Valparaiso, Chile, died December 10, 2006

Pinochet was another ego filled cruel.tyrant used as a cabal puppet in furthering its plans of world totalitarianism, a one world government. In the first three years after he and the lackeys supporting him forcefully caused a switch of power toward him, Pinnochet's regime arrested approximately 130,000, torturing many of them to death.....comprised with information from Encyclopedia Britannica.....pic courtesy of Encyclopedia Britannica, by Robert Nickelsberg, Time Life Pictures/Getty Images.

one whose behavior is determined by the will of others (a suck up such as a political puppet) a small figure of an individual or an animal, having a cloth body and hollow head, designed to be fitted over and manipulated by the hand; a figure having jointed parts animated from above by strings or wires (as seen in puppet shows and as by puppet governments); a lackey

spiritually meaning the soul
of or relating to air or other gases (a tire able to hold air can be called a pneumatic tire); of.or.relating.to.pneumatics; run by or using compressed air (a pneumatic drill); from and relating to French 'pneumatique' from Latin 'pneumaticus' and from Greek 'pneumatikos' from 'pneuma' meaning 'wind', 'air'
pneumatics.plural noun
the study of the mechanical.properties of air and other gases, that is, how they may work in different circumstances, such as temperature, altitude, compression, etc.

a braid, especially of hair; a pleat
plait, plaited, plaiting, plaits.transitive verbs
to braid; to pleat; to make by braiding

adapted for seizing, grasping or holding, especially by wrapping around an object (a monkey's prehensile tail; an elephant's prehensile trunk)

the officer in charge of money matters on board a ship or commercial aircraft

probate, probates, probated, probating.transitive verbs
having to do with courts and the judiciary system; judicial determination of the validity of a document such as a will: to establish by probate

probative also probatory.adjective
serving to test, try or prove (a probative period to furnish evidence or proof)

one side of a leaf of a book, magazine or newspaper or the material written or printed on it (I remember seeing it on page 10); a boy or young man employed in a hotel or club to run errands, open doors, etc.
page, pages, paged, paging.transitive verbs
to summon over a public address system (at the airport they called out her name to come to the information booth); to contact using a pager (mobile phones have obviated further need for this older electronicdevice known as a pager)
aka a beeper; a small radio device which bleeps or vibrates to inform the wearer that someone wishes to contact them or that it has received a short text message; a pager is a small electronic device which you can carry around with you and which gives you a number or a message when someone is trying to contact you
the system by which pages are numbered; the arrangement and number of pages in a book

play, played, playing, plays.verbs
intransitive verb use.to occupy oneself in recreation (threw the ball on the roof of the shed, waiting for it to bounce off to catch; children playing with toys); when children play, they do things that they enjoy, often with other people and often with toys (the kids were in the back yard playing catch and also tag and chasing each other); to engage in games or other activities such as playing a musical instrument; to give a performance
structured activity designated for performance by actors on a stage (he wrote several plays for acting class in school); to represent a character in a play or film (good or bad we all act out what we are in heart)

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, born 1952, was former director of the Federal Security Bureau and became Russian President in 2000. Putin restored the Christian presence and built many new Christian churches the satanic communistic Khazarianmafia had destroyed in their efforts to eliminate anything to do with God, just as today they do the same through their pharmaceutical / medical/chemical/agricultural and other efforts, like the covid con and the genetically modified food push, being only two of the things these world controlling evil Khazarian mafia individuals concocted. Putin, Trump and the Alliance militaries have now stopped them. Your prayers count. Keep them up. 
