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NT and OT Questions

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1 C o r i n t h i a n s

-1Corinthians 1:18.Who are the."them that are perishing"?

-1Corinthians 1:27,28.Does this mean that God only wants the idiots of the world?

-1Corinthians 1:30.What does the."who of God".mean in this scripture? 

-1Corinthians 2:1.What is the."testimony of God"?

-1Corinthians 2:9,10.What will we be like in the next life? If the next life is so great, why do Christians, knowing about it, pray for each other to be healed so that they can carry on living here? Why not let them get on to where they believe they are going, heaven? And, just why do some die after praying for them to be healed? What was the hope that the."eye did not see"?

-1Corinthians 2:11.Since we are basically individual spirits each in our own body, shouldn't we be concentrating more on the spiritual than the physical?

-1Corinthians 3:9.Why does God talk of husbandry in this verse?

-1Corinthians 3:15.What does this scripture mean?

-1Corinthians 3:16,17.How can I quit smoking and drinking if it is a problem to me?

-1Corinthians 3:17 and Romans 9:27  If all are to be saved, what about what it says here? And what do they mean about defilement?

-1Corinthians 3:20.Why are "wise" people's thoughts vain?

-1Corinthians 3:22 What does it mean the world is ours? 

-1Corinthians 4:5.Does this scripture mean my sins will be revealed?

-1Corinthians 5:12,13.Does this mean God only judges non-Christians?

-1Corinthians 6:9.the unrighteous?

-1Corinthians 6:18.Does fornication mean no sex before marriage?

-1Corinthians 7:7.What about staying single to serve God?

-1Corinthians 7:9.What does God think about sex before marriage?
   What does it mean here."to burn".and does this mean burn in hell?

-1Corinthians 7:20.What does it mean here."to abide in the same calling".that we are called in?

-1Corinthians 7:23.What does it mean to."not be the servants of men"?

-1Corinthians 7:31.What is."the fashion of this world".he's talking about here?

-1Corinthians 9:9.What is the law of Moses?

-1Corinthians 10:16,17.Is this talking about the practice of taking bread and wine called communion?

-1Corinthians 11:4.Does this scripture mean not to wear a hat?

-1Corinthians 11:9.Is a woman equal in God's eyes to a man?

-1Corinthians 11:14.Why does Paul say this about a man having long hair?

-1Corinthians 11:17.Why does Paul tell the Corinthian women to cover their heads when in a place of public worship?

-1Corinthians 11:30.Why is it some die after praying for them to be healed?

-1Corinthians 12:1.Where does the Bible talk about spiritual gifts?

-1Corinthians 12:3.What does it mean here where it talks about no man can even say that Emmanuel is Lord but by the Holy Ghost?
...What does it mean here to call Emmanuel "accursed"?

-1Corinthians 13:1.How can one increase love?

-1Corinthians 13:8 What's this mean that knowledge will cease?

-1Corinthians 13:12.What does this mean?

-1Corinthians 13:13.Why is love the greatest of the attributes of faith, hope and charity ('charity' means 'love')?

-1Corinthians 14:26.Why are there many interpretations of the Bible?

-1Corinthians 14:34,35 Is this for today?

-1Corinthians 15:10.What is Paul saying here about God's grace?

-1Corinthians 15:17.Here it seems to be saying that it was His raising from the dead that was important? I thought it was His death that saved us?

-1Corinthians 15:25.What does it mean? that."He must reign 'till'..."?

-1Corinthians 15:29.What's it mean to be."baptized for the dead"?

-1Corinthians 15:33.What does it mean here."evil communications corrupt good manners"?

-1Corinthians 15:34.If sin doesn't now count, why does Paul say 'not to sin' here?
    What does Paul mean here."awake to righteousness"?
    What does it mean here."I speak this to your shame"?

-1Corinthians 15:44.Does Paul mean here an actual body or a sort of 'fluffy' spirit?

-1Corinthians 15:50.How can I quit smoking and drinking if it is a problem to me?

-1Corinthians 16:22 What does 'Maranatha' mean here?

Faith has two parts: one is patience and the other is gratitude.