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Q u e s t i o n s..A
b o u t..S
c r i p t u r e s
p a g e..3
5:12,13 Does this mean God only judges non Christians?
Notice verse 12. Paul, as
an Apostle
of Emmanuel the Christ,
says that he and the church have concerns only with how those becoming
called the people of God,
are doing and that it's God's
responsibility in dealing with those who are not of higher consciousness
minds yet. Often these were called Christians
and that name became watered down as many attached themselves to the name
who had not the attitude.exemplified
by those of the early Christian church.
did the name Christian begin?
Once a person becomes a true
spiritual person, called
in the Holy Bible, a 'Christian', Creator-God sees you then as a member
of His body, His
family, sees
you as Christ Himself.
It is the responsibility
of each in the church to ensure that morals
in the group do not deteriorate.
Once a member of the body
of Christ, the
church, you have all the holiness, all
the perfection, all the rightousness
that you will ever have, because Christ's nature of love
is in you. If it is His nature
that is in you, you cannot get any more holy than what that nature already
is, but you can express more of it as you grow
in knowledge and go along in life. And.as
far as God the Father is concerned, sin is a thing that when
He looks at you, has long since died. It died on the cross with Emmanuel,
though you still do sin.
1:11,12 Are we too able to be taught by the revelation of God in heaven?
1:17. Therefore grow
in the knowledge of Him
expressing as you.
-What law is James talking
about in this scripture?.James
4:11 "Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaks evil
of his brother and judges his brother, speaks evil of the law and judges
the law, but if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law, but a
judge.".Was he
was talking about a perfect law, a law of freedom? And if so, freedom from
what? And how does speaking evil of your brother equate to speaking evil
of the law. I thought the law was done away?
The law James is talking
about in this scripture is a perfect law, a law of freedom as compared
to the law the ancient
Pharisees were in bed with, that of judging from their own devised
set up laws based on corrupting the Old Testament Mosaic
Law in order to find fault
to accuse others
of that which.they.determined
was wrong.
James was talking about freedom
from any religion which seeks to put sincere
men and women into bondage, thus subverting
these sincere beliefs and leading toward destroying faith by altering belief:.Galatians
Speaking evil of your brother
to speaking evil of the law of love.
The law here talked about
is the law of love which will always be there. The law that was done away
was the pharisaical
law of commandments contained in ordinances, the Old Testament Mosaic Law:.Ephesians
2:15 "Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments
contained in ordinances, for to make in himself of twain one new man, so
making peace." Colossians 2:14
"Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances
that was against us, which was contrary to us and took it out of the way,
nailing it to his cross."
2:20 "Wherefore if you be dead with Christ from the rudiments
of the world, why, as though living in the world, are you subject to ordinances,"
15:34 "Awake to righteousness and sin not, for some have not the knowledge
of God. I speak this to your shame."
As a
true spiritual person, we should have fervent
love toward others who also are in the God family and also to all
who are "brothers".
The verse could just as easily
read 'Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaks evil of his
brother is judging his brother, speaks evil of the law and judges the law,
but if thou judge the law, you are not a doer of the law.(what
law), but a judge.'
It is saying that one is
not out to show love, kindness and concern, but rather to aloofly
be critical of another's actions, having an invective.attitude.
One approach is that of helpfulness, the other that of condemnation.
Pharisees of old were
by Emmanuel for being just like that.
12:28 Why did this woman have such great faith and some others, like
me, don't seem to have so much, especially since faith is a gift from God?
Answer: Follow the
4:17 Was this an actual lion or a figure of speech?
Don't know! Could have been:.1Corinthians
New Testament Notes."It
is not uncommon in the Scriptures to compare tyrants and persecutors with
ravenous wild beasts".Psalms
Jeremiah 2:30.
New Testament Notes."According
to some, literally, by being saved from death by wild beasts. According
to others, the words are figuratively
spoken of the Roman emperor Nero."
But more likely means,.Jamieson,
Fausett, Brown Commentary."Satan,
the roaring, devouring lion:.Luke 22:31;
5:8. I was prevented falling into his snare.(2Timothy
2Peter 2:9) 2Timothy
with this interpretation."The
Lord shall deliver me from every evil work",
namely, both from evil and the evil one, as the Greek of the Lord's Prayer
expresses it. It was not deliverance from Nero
who was called the lion, a name which he rejoiced in, for he.(Paul).did
not fear death.(2Timothy
4:6-8; Acts 28:3-6)..."