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NT and OT Questions

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M a r k

-Mark 2:26 and Matthew 12:3,4.Why did David escape penalty for breaking the law here and Uzzah didn't?

-Mark 3:28,29.What does it mean to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit? Is there really any act we could do where the God who created us would use that to permanently reject us?

-Mark 3:35.My Christian friends are always telling me to seek the will of God in all things. What's it mean to be."in God's will"?

-Mark 4:22 and Luke 8:17 state that nothing ever stays a secret, but 1Peter 4:8 says that love covers a person's wrongdoing. Sounds contradictory.

-Mark 6:9 talks of the disciples back then being instructed to not take two coats on the journey. Why? See the scripture link.

-Mark 6:11.What's it mean to."shake off the dust on your shoes as a testimony against them"?

-Mark 7:21-23.I feel wrong when I masturbate. Is it a form of lewdness?

-Mark 7:24-30 and Matthew 15:21-28.This sounds like Emmanuel was insolent to this Greek, Syrophenician woman?

-Mark 8:26.Why did Emmanuel not want those He healed to tell others?

-Mark 9:1.Did these people here see the Kingdom of God? and, how does it."come with power".as it says here?

-Mark 9:2-9; Matthew 17:1-8; 8:11; Luke 9:28-36 and Luke 23:43.seem to indicate that we go to be with Emmanuel upon death?

-Mark 9:24 What did the man mean here?

-Mark 9:38-40.What's it mean here "no one can speak lightly evil of me who uses the power of the Creator to do good works"?

-Mark 9:43,44,46,48.What's this mean?

-Mark 10:6.Is it 'ok' to have more than one partner at the same time?

-Mark 10:18 and Matthew 19:17 say there are none that are good, only Creator-God. Surely, if God is in us, then we too are good.

-Mark 10:21.Did Emmanuel really want us to sell all we have and give to the poor?

-Mark 10:29.What is Emmanuel saying here in Matthew and Mark and Luke about this leaving your family for the sake of the kingdom of God?

-Mark 11:13,14.Why did Emmanuel curse this fig tree? It seems out of character for a loving, compassionate person. Why did He not just bless it?

-Mark 11:23; Matthew 17:20, 21:21,22.What about having faith to cast mountains into the sea and all things we pray about we will receive?

-Mark 12:25.Can angels marry and reproduce in their human form?

-Mark 12:29 and Galatians 3:20.Is God one?

-Mark 13:27.Will we ever colonize space?

-Mark 13:24-27

-Mark 13:30 Is the generation talked about here, our generation today or was it exclusively for the time when Emmanuel said this?

-Mark 14:21 What is this verse referring to?

-Mark 14:64,65.Why were they so cruel to Emmanuel?

-Mark 15:40.What's it mean."James the less"?

-Mark 16:15.Should we be going door to door and trying to hand out literature to others to bring them to God? Was this scripture fulfilled in the days of the original disciples? Here it says to."go into all the world".and here it says to come out of the world? Seems confusing.

-Mark 16:17.What about the Holy Spirit and."speaking or praying in tongues"?

-Mark 16:18.What about taking serpents in hand?

-Mark 16:19.Do we go to heaven after death as Emmanuel did?
