-Is the everlasting
punishment talked of here.(Matthew
25:46) hell?
The word 'everlasting' in
the original, means 'age lasting' and 'for as long as conditions are extant'.
It's not an everlasting punishing, but punishment. The Creator wants all
to learn lessons that involve turning from the ego ways to a higher consciousness
way of living, the way of the spirit of life:.Romans
8:2; Proverbs 3:12; Hebrews
The words 'punish', 'punishment'
to Strong's
Exhaustive Concordance which took one hundred men, 30 years to
complete. In the original it meant to 'number', 'count', to 'visit'.{Genesis
21:1}). It also means to 'attend
to' or deal with, 'reckon with', pay attention to', 'punish',
'lop', 'prune'
as one would a tree, 'to correct', 'to curb', 'to check', 'restrain', 'to
'commit' & 'miss'.(to
put away, such as in jail, so evils done by them can't be done any more,
they will now miss a normal life they could have had if they had done good),
'lack', 'ruler', 'judge', 'governor', 'oversight', 'officers', 'empty',
'charge', etc.:.Ezra
For one example; in Isaiah
13:11 the word 'punish' is used:.Isaiah
13:11 "And I will punish the world for their evil and the wicked for
their iniquity and I will cause the arrogance of the proud to cease and
will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.".Considering
the rest of the Bible, the word 'judge' may have been used. Once
one overstands.how
judgments occur, it throws it all into clarity.
It's really talking of the
automatic result of reaping
what was sown,
that it's a sure law of the multiiverse,
set up by God so man could learn from his ways and adjust them to his betterment.
But alas, it seems
to be too hard for man to awaken, turning himself around from evil to good,
until, that is, he hits bottom in his life and God, seeing he'll never
come around, steps in. Examples:.1,
And in
Ezra 9:13, consider how the word punished is used there in error.
It takes information gained
from study.(so,
pick yourself up and start
studying, so you get a decent reward).by
having gone here a little and there a little to see clearer meaning from
some of the scriptures.
Those in this automatic reaping
of what they may have sown in their lives, this 'correction for awhile'
have many
trials and sufferings.now.(*).and
the obstinate
will have proof given against them
later. But all for a good purpose.(Romans
is really hell?
The Creator is not at all
interested in retribution,
but change:.Ezekiel
18:32. The Creator doesn't punish, He doesn't
even judge, but He wants us to learn love, so He corrects by allowing
us to reap what we may have
sown, which is a law of the multiverse which has always been.
It's not like He opens a
drawer, draws out your specific life's acts and then demands life to be
now set against you; not like that at all. But, there is
an accounting:.Revelation
20:12. Life is set up with a law that wacks us back when out of the
path of love. A law is simply how the multiverse was originally set up
for humans. It's set up to keep us on the right track of our purpose here.
But, the Creator never overrides
The fear of punishment hasn't
worked, the severe
penal code has failed. Once a crime has been done what good is it to punish?
The only 'good' warehousing
of 'criminals' provides is cheap labor for corporate interests, labor
subsidized by those paying for such institutions, the people of a nation.
Punishment is not correction. Preventing crime can easily be done.
how! The lesson is you can't impose order by dealing with the external,
the external being controlled by world controllers of the narcissistic
societies they have purposely created.(*).
of us and out from us has been proven to work.
In Daniel
12:2 it talks of."some
going into everlasting contempt".
The word 'everlasting' means
lasting for as long as the conditions are extant.
But, how long will this
Some will still need to learn
the ways of love, the ways of the real true life, the spiritual workings
of the multiverse. In Daniel 12:2 these are those resurrected who have
feelings of contempt for what they had been like when alive on Earth, that
is, they
themselves for what they were like.
They were on the Earth.(why?).to
learn to move away from the natures
that brought them and others so
much heartache, but they weren't able to leave their lives enough.(Romans
8:10,11; Colossians 3:3).to
be a living sacrifice to God.(Romans
12:1), wherein they would have
found all joy, instead preferring to hoard
a life of selfishness as close to themselves as they could.
They are still saved anyhow,
that having been done since before the Earth was even formed:.2Timothy
1:9. But, because they didn't make good use of this pressure
cooker of life in the physical here, their opportunity for a
reward for good efforts done on this
world stage of their time on Earth and what they could have gotten,
has passed.
They, not having made it
into the kingdom of the Creator, which means the family of the Creator,
will nonetheless
be resurrected. They will be judged, not condemned, but judged. How
will they be judged and who judges them? They, in their time, did not live
in a circumspect
manner, so they will now have their time for this. God never gives up on
They will, once resurrected,
have to deal with what it is that they are. And what they had become was
highly influenced by the environment of the cabal made society in which
they were a part of. It will be easier then for them to deal with what
it is that they had become while on Earth. It will also be easier then
for them to believe in something better for them. This is because, all
around them they can see and interact with others who, having qualified
earlier on Earth, are now eternal in living. And, no doubt, some of these
people were known by him or her before. This will be such an encouragement
to such ones that any previous lack of belief they may have held, will
no longer be a stumblingstone to them as it was in their previous life
on Earth.
5:29 Is Emmanuel here talking of the place we commonly call hell, that
ever burning location somewhere in the Earth?
There is a time coming when
the Creator, who only acts in love in all He does, will burn
some flesh up. But, there is no place like hell as we have
been led to accept as true. Read the whole subject.
kingdom of the reign of the Infinite One's way of love will spread
over all the Earth:.Habakkuk
Once they are resurrected
they are a child of the Creator and like some children, they still need
to become mature, whereas
others may have been markedly more mature
and therefore had vision, had this sense of where their present state of
being was taking them and saw this earlier, while still in the physical
and were able to turn things around in their life as they
sensed that it would be of benefit for them and others:.Luke
20:36. And of course, there are always
others who care not to, as there were in the Old Testament:.Jeremiah
Is Hell?
3:19 where it says that through the power of the Holy Spirit, Christ,
in the days of Noah, went and talked to the spirits in prison?
Ephesians 4:9 mean Emmanuel went into hell?
-What does Luke
12:5 mean?
Our spirits are eternal.
see the 'Predestination' subject.
God can take
us away:.Job
12:10 "In whose hand is the soul of every living thing and the breath
of all humanity." Daniel 5:23 ".....the
God in whose hand your breath is..... " John
".....you have given him
power over all flesh....."
For more see the Matthew
10:28 answer.